
McCain is against women having equal pay for equal work. How will Palin tell voters she supports this?

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McCain opposes equal pay bill in Senate




  1. It is as bad as B Hussein Obama taking money from terrorists and trying to get elected to give more money to blacks.  WOW

  2. You're misinformed. McCain isn't against equal pay. You're nuts.

  3. Who knows maybe she will just take a pay cut and shut up

  4. That's why women would be a fool to vote for this ticket.

    Palin is being used.

    Do people think that McCain has done a 360 degree turnaround on that issue?


    McCain has voted against women and their families the entire time he has been in the Senate.

    But don't take my word for it.  Read his record below:

  5. Silly wabbit.

  6. You have a great imagination there buba, and the most loved Democratic president you've had thought they were nothing more that d**k warmers.  

  7. I love how people take one issue out of a HUGE bill and focus on it. The bill McCain vetoed had many bad components to it. McCain had to veto it because of the larger issues. That's why we need a line item veto, so Congressmen can't keep attaching hot button issues to further their personal or party agendas... or to keep other issues they DON'T want from going through. It's just a horrendously bad way to pass legislation.

  8. McCain is for equal pay for equal work. Mack, you've got to stop these left wing liberal Democrat attacks. Everyone sees right through them. Get a little more creative.

  9. She'll get minimum wage. Don't worry about it.

  10. Why should she care,  she has her husbands oil.

  11. I didn't expect to see links or facts to support your question when I clicked this link. Thanks for not disappointing.

  12. She's a Repug. It's easy. Repugs don't believe in equality for the sexes. Women should be at home cooking and bearing children and shouldn't do anything else unless their men order them to.

  13. You're utterly uninformed, Mack.

    Republicans recognize that 2 people doing the same job rarely get the same pay, because people have different abilities. Having lazy people sue   their companies because harder workers or more talented people make more than them is just plain stupid.

  14. And prey tell, when did he ever say that? =]

  15. She will sell more **** on ebay.

  16. Some old-school women accept living in a man's shadow and being inferior to them.

  17. Palin can't because she also is against it.

  18. That's untrue...Once again, the libs have distorted the facts, and rather than research it yourself, you're just repeating it.

    From YOUR link:

    "I am all in favor of pay equity for women, but this kind of legislation, as is typical of what's being proposed by my friends on the other side of the aisle, opens us up to lawsuits for all kinds of problems," the expected GOP presidential nominee told reporters. "This is government playing a much, much greater role in the business of a private enterprise system."

    He NEVER voted against 'equal pay for equal work'.

    There are ALREADY anti-discrimination laws to make sure that women receive equal pay. Women can file suit if they feel they are receiving less pay because of their gender, and if they HAVE received less pay in the past, just not INDEFINITELY. The bill that you're referring to is for removing the statute of limitations to sue for back pay if a woman suddenly discovers that she was receiving less pay YEARS before.

    McCain's statement on that was:

    “If you eliminate the statutes of limitations, and you make it unending, you may be violating the rights of the individuals who are being sued, whether they’re a man or a woman,” the senator responded. “I don’t think you’re doing anything to help the rights of women, except maybe helping trial lawyers and others in that profession.”

    McCain has been accused of being against women making the same pay as men...But, when he pointed out that women needed better education and training to make more money, he was slammed because it was taken completely out of context.

    McCain was talking about how if you have a better education and training, you can get a better paying job. That's true for all people, not just women, but the issue at hand was referring to women...The accusation against McCain was completely false.

    For example: Two women and one man work at Mcdonald's and they each make $8 an hour...Two men and one woman work in construction, each making $15 an hour...That makes totals of:

    3 Women - $31

    3 Men - $38

    On average, that would show that men are making more money than women...But, in reality, they are all paid equally for the jobs they do.

    As a woman, I have worked many jobs...I have made the same amount of pay as my male counterparts in every job that I have worked since 1986...With one exception - At a construction job that I was on at Proctor and Gamble in Cincinnati, I made $1 more per hour than a couple of the men because I had more experience in copper heat trace while their experience was in demolition.

    If a woman discovers that they ARE making less pay than a man, for the exact same job, with the same experience and length of time on the job, they should speak with their employer and have it corrected...If the employer refuses to correct it, there are laws that protect against discrimination...It's a woman's responsibility to make sure she isn't being discriminated against, and she has the law behind her to do so, if she doesn't look out for herself, it's her own fault.

    In fact:

    "( - While Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama has vowed to make pay equity for women a top priority if elected president, an analysis of his Senate staff shows that women are outnumbered and out-paid by men.

    That is in contrast to Republican presidential candidate John McCain's Senate office, where women, for the most part, out-rank and are paid more than men"

  19. I don't think he really said that he's against that. I think you're making stuff up in a partisan attempt to make people who agree with you agree with you more, and people who don't agree with you dislike you more.


    You're twisting the facts. Just because he's against a federal mandate forcing employers to do something doesn't mean he's against equal pay for women. I don't think you understand that too much government is a bad thing.

  20. Proof, please.  Oh, and please not the "voting not to overturn Supreme Court decision...blah blah blah."  Funny that McCain refusing to overturn a Supreme Court ruling earns your wrath, and in the next breath, you squeal that McCain "might overturn" Roe vs Wade.  He has clearly stated that once passed as the law of the land, it is not the place of Congress to overturn a Supreme Court Ruling.

    The ruling you are harping about was about someone waiting SEVENTEEN years to file a suit, not about equal pay for equal work.  The court agreed that the pay should have matched that of male employees but said the woman's delay in filing negated her case.

    It's just law as usual.  The only thing without a statute of limitations is murder.

    By the way, what makes you think that that company wasn't ALREADY complying with a government edict to hire more females and this woman was one of them?  Perhaps they had to pass over a more qualified male to hire her, rather than get in trouble with the feds (more liberal bulls**t).  Maybe what they were paying her was ALREADY MORE than she was worth.  Ever think about that, Bucky?

    Nah, probably not.  I suspect you have never owned a business, nor hired employees, nor tried to comply with government regs, have you?

    Oh, and I really LOVE your fair and unbiased Huffington Post as a "source".  Use the National Enquirer next is more believable.

    BTW. .......using links and "getting people informed" is only as good as the link.  And youtube and huffington do not count.  No more than Obama supporters will accept anything from Fox News.

  21. She is a right wing robot, she does what her men say to do, Christian right winger believe men should pull women around by their hair. This is why she has big haiyar. Just vote democrat, it is the only way to assure change and liberty for all. Not just right wing wealthy Christians who don't think for themselves.

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