
McCain is going to pick Sarah Palin! Do you like his choice?

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I am so happy! She will blow them out of the water!




  1. No. She's viciously regressive, and against reproductive and g*y rights. Any Clinton supporter voting McCain because of her doesn't know what they're doing.

  2. Could be a good choice...dont know yet..... but does have some left posters on the window ledge today for some reason...

  3. I am sure his wife is not happy, given Johnnie the Maverick's history!!

  4. I don't think it is a "done deal" yet, but if McCain picks her, it will definitely make for an interesting race. I don't know a lot about Palin, but what I have heard has all been very good. One thing could be interesting... she is very much for drilling in ANWR... her state. McCain is not.  

  5. I'm an Obama supporter who would love it if McCain selected Palin.  The choice of a VP candidate who is under investigation by her own states government for abuse of power can only help Obama.  

  6. I'd be for it. We'd get all the Hillary votes. And Palin is do-able which is important to me in a VP candidate.

  7. As someone who has been interested in politics and followed it everyday for the past 15 years, I can't say I've ever heard of her until today.

  8. That would be great!  I hadn't heard of her before, so I googled her.  What I just read she would be a perfect pick.  This article said every one liked her, both sides of the aisle.  

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