
McCain is "using" Palin? What about Obama using Biden to win over swing state voters and Catholics?

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That was the ONLY reason why Obama chose Biden (of all people). Biden after all did say a few months ago that Obama wasn't ready to be President. h**l, Hillary herself said it. And now all of a sudden, Obama is "ready"? Give me a break.

So why isn't anybody questioning Obama's choice of Biden?




  1. Palin will win over the Catholics, because she is pro-life. So if thats the only reason Obama picked Biden, he is more trouble then he thinks.

  2. Why Obama choose Biden Maybe Because Biden Could be Commander and Chief.Unlike Reason Mccain pimped plain

  3. The difference is that Obama did not choose Biden for his looks.  

  4. Open your eyes, for whatever reason the media is treating Obama as if he can walk on water...he has become the Golden Child who can do no wrong. Everyone is treating him with kid gloves simply because he is black and no one wants to be considered racist... Please Obama ia no more ready to lead this country than Mickey Mouse is and if he is put into Office he will destroy this country..mark my words

  5. JOHN KERRY is also a Catholic b he LOST the Catholic vote because he supports abortion. BIDEN supports abortion too.

    What will be difference?

    2004 election:



    Kerry- 24%

  6. The difference is this....Biden brings a lot to the table, the areas that Obama is weak in...Biden makes up for it.  

    McSame and Palin BOTH share GWB views, policies and beliefs....what does Palin bring to the table....NOTHING!

  7. Biden is a great choice! Obama will be president  

  8. Thank you!  Mine is one Catholic vote Biden will NOT get.  Obama thought that just because Biden was Catholic that he'd swing our votes to him?  Obama obviously has no clue about the Catholic mind or what the Church teaches.  

    Biden needs to go to Confession.  Obama is not ready to be a president.  What baffles me is that I think people are so hypnotized by Obama that no one is questioning his resume because of his celebrity status.  The only time I saw someone put hard questions to him was during the faith debate with Saddleback, and he lost miserably to McCain.  I think if McCain concentrates on that, he'll make Obama show his true colors.  

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