
McCain is supposed to keep us safe? How come he can't keep Code Pink off of his convention floor?

by  |  earlier

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Three protesters already!




  1. Yes! Lets go Pink!

    oh by the way it was suppose to be overdramatic. Im not really into the radical groups!

  2. Because Code Pink is like a bunch of cockroaches -- you just can't get rid of them once they have infected a place.

  3. They should sic the pit bull with lipstick on them. I'd pay to see that.

  4. because marxist traitors look like real people sometimes.

    it sure did look like he kept them off the floor pretty good. i'd say about 2 feet.

  5. Code Pink!  THe postergirls for the liberal wackos.  I hope they keep showing up!

  6. Because McCaain does not run the security detail. No matter how hard security screens people, nuts like these will get in.

  7. Republicans are a national security sieve.

  8. I can't hear you, I think that's the sound of every single Obama supporter laughing so hard (myself among them).

  9. Obamas supposed too? he's the one that associates with all of these radical groups. Good friends with an admitted terrorist, can't make a descision on palistine Gee I guess I can see that its such a new conflict give me a break. Im not even happy about McCains nommiation but if I had to lay my life on the line for one or the other its McCain no questions asked

  10. i don't care if you are g*y or L*****n. just don't force your way of life onto me. i don't tell you you cannot be g*y or L*****n don't tell me i have to be.


  11. I thought she was hot too.

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