
McCain left his wife and kids for his current rich wife Cindy, What are his family values? Money?

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Everyone is talking about Edwards, McCain left his handicapped wife for a new and rich younger women, if McCain can leave his wife and kids, what kind of President will stick by Americans when we are not his "loved ones", it shows he will sell us out too! How is Edwards worse then McCain?




  1. he may have issues against disabled people and what if his current wife became disabled from drug use would he then dump her?  he has called her the C word in public by the way.  He was a pow in Vietnam and he might have racist views against Asian Americans.  His advanced age it is very possible he might not make it through his first term in office.  Would he be any different than the first two Bush Administrations? As a nation could we actually afford Mccain??

  2. McCain has ALREADY sold out the American people along with everything he's ever believed in.

    VOTE OBAMA in '08!!  

  3. I'm amazed at just how d**n shallow some people are. You mean to tell me you cannot make a distinction between what happened nearly 30 years ago (btw McCain's ex supports him) and what happened litterally yesterday.  No wonder we have the most ignorant youth in the world.

  4. McSame is certainly not the poster child for "family values."

  5. It actually shows nothing at all about McCain, Gingrich or Edwards, or Clinton, or Guiliani except that they are men.

    I do find it odd that out of the cheaters we love to hate, Clinton and Edwards, the two who are still with their first wives are the ones we love to hate the most.

    What does that say about our much vaunted family values?

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