
McCain lives off of the inherited wealth of his second wife, yet he acts like he made it himself... ?

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He has claimed that Americans are not willing to pick lettuce for a salary $100,000 a year.

He has said that the line between rich and poor is $5 million.

He has said that middle class Americans should have no say regarding tax cuts because “People who make under $80,000 are too stupid to understand taxes anyway.”

He can't remember how many homes he owns.

Is McCain an elitist? Has years of living off his wife's wealth made him out of touch with America?




  1. McCain probably has a military pension, has earned lavish salaries during all the years he's been in politics, and has undoubtedly made some savvy investments along the way.

    So whether you believe he's made it himself or inherited it from his wife is irrelevant.

    And where did you get all the tripe you cite as evidence? Can you provide links, or document your claims?

    McCain, like Obama, is a man of integrity, achievement and accomplishment. Just because you disagree with his politics doesn't mean he should be subjected to your bias, bigotry, prejudice, hatred and lies.    -RKO-   08/23/08

  2. i expect he might have had some inheiretance himself, plus navy retirement, plus 25 years of pay as a representative and senator. a reasonable person must realize by now that it never was about money! the only issue is whether or not he has the intellect and saavy to be a great president or would obama be better.

    no more than a person works for years to become an astronaut and takes such risks, that is more like the motive of a person who seeks the presidency. maybe some glory, some honor, some sense of power and some real desire to serve with a good measure of conviction they are best suited for the job -- that is the right stuff that motivates these people. or is that just hormones and narcissism? you decide. but it is not money. they already have more than they need. ordinary people have much trouble understanding that. most people are primarily driven by financial gain. try to understand.

  3. Yeah and Obama has to defend how his Mansion was bought with the help of Rezco a convicted criminal he sent 14 million in our tax dollars too afterward.  And on Good Morning America Obama emphasized he made his 4 million dollars in 2 years.

    You know I rode with a tow truck driver like you who couldn't stand to see someone building an addition to their house.  Somehow that persons money was oppressing him.

  4. I love the quotes you have attributed to McCain.

    He said that there are many jobs illegal immigrants are doing because Americans don't want to.  He suggested that Americans wouldn't pick lettuce even if offered $50.00 an hour.  He further suggested that Americans couldn't do it.  

    He didn't say that the line between rich and poor is 5 million.  When asked what he considered rich he said 5 million.  Then he further said it was a joke and that he knew liberals would quote it out of context and make an issue out of it.... look, he was right.

    Too stupid to understand taxes?  He said this?  And you have a source right, because all of the "sources" I have seen on this comment say that McCain is purported to say...  no real evidence there, not like a recorded conversation insulting middle America by claiming that they are bitter and cling to their guns and religion....

    How many pairs of shoes has your wife bought?

    McCain probably is an elitist.... so what, what presidential candidate in the last 40 years hasn't been?  What makes a person out of touch is their own professed hatred of America.  Need I say more.

    I love the liberal spin.

  5. Obama and Biden are worth less COMBINED than McCain.  Biden even commutes to Washington daily, while McCain comfortably sits in his wife's company plane with $500 loafers.  Meanwhile, the maids are cleaning seven of his houses...or was it eight?

    I'll have my campaign get back to you.

  6. Like a free loader.

    The kicker is he is the candidate for the so called Morality party and he ran around on his crippled wife, banging anyone and everyone until he found a beer heirs rich enough to support him in a vulgar fashion.

    He does not even know how many homes they have, and they are both Adulterers  to boot.

    It is no sin to be rich, but for McCain and his wife to be spending literally millions on clothes and accessories while people properties are being foreclosed on and to proclaim that the economy is doing just fine is OVER the top.

  7. *Sigh* so ignorant.

    I was watching that whole thing when he said the 5 million thing. He didn't think there was a number, so he just picked a random number to be defiant. And he said he knew they'd take it out of text, and that it wasn't what he meant.

    Most of those homes are his wives investments. On the compaign trail  you don't think of those things.

    He's not an elitist.

    He's made money himself.

    Stop posting stupid things like this.

  8. Consider the source. This is the land of "Trophy Wives" and champagne. We are all black in their eyes. Yes, he is elitist.

  9. The questionnaire is a tool ( whatever happened to being open-minded?) try not to get your facts from DailyKos a*****e

    And that Republicans are Cowards guy is just a  brainwashed commie that lives in his moms basement..

    "Chosen" talks about elitism? How ironic/ignorant

  10. He is parasite, Thats why he likes to suck blood of middle class.

    When he becomes president he is going to give tax cut for his rich wife while many poor American struggle in daily lives. He dumped his poor wife for rich woman (half of his age).

  11. I don't see that McCain acts the way you claim.  Beyond that, I don't think you can hold a candle to him as far as personal accomplishments go.

  12. Ignorant question and many ignorant answers. First thing your facts are not correct. Secondly you find some support here:). Its not crime to be rich. Its good if we have a President who is rich. So that in White House he is not thinking of schemes to make money but rather use his money making skills to make the country richer. What we dont need is a corrupt politician. Both McCain and Obama would do some good to the country. I doubt Obama is taking money from every company on Stock Exchange and he might be more easy on Wall Street than McCain. Moreover, his Million Dollar Mansion he bought from a convicted fellon may throw some bad light on him. Otherwise I like that he might bring some new direction to the nation.

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