
McCain on illegal aliens.?

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He says the border needs to be secured first and foremost. He also says that the 12-15 million illegals in the country are all God's children and we will have to deal with them humanely. Am I to take this to mean that McCain believes that all people who break the law should be coddled and given special treatment because face it, by his reasoning, we are all God's children?




  1. It's called pandering for votes and it's pathetic.

  2. McCain is so idiotic. Everything that comes out if his conservative Republican mouth is stupidity

  3. McCain is a moron. He doesn't know where he stands from day to day on any given issue. He is so retarded and slow that he has to have his wife do all of his computer related work. He and the illegal aliens have a lot in common.

  4. If McCain or God forbid Obama try to pass amnesty there will be a revolution in this country.

  5. Amnesty is coming.( i can listen the si se puede voices)

  6. Jared is right...unfortunately.

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