
McCain or Obama for president?

by Guest64614  |  earlier

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I'm undecided and want to know your opinions on WHY I should support Mccain or Obama

I'm going to watch the Obama speech on youtube after the Mccain one comes out so I get to see both one after another, so they might influence who I support.




  1. McCain/Palin 08!!!  I was undecided until today.  Neither candidate did much for me neither did Biden and I was worried his VP would be Romney and I would still be undecided.   Palin is fresh and new and she will bring new ideas to the table for McCain.  Perfect pick!

  2. OBAMA!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!he knows and cares about the problems that going on in our country and have great solutions for them. He's smart and have done alot of great things for his community.  

  3. Obama! watch his speech. It had me in tears! and Im only 18 and usually dont care about politics

  4. Bob Barr. McCain and Obama are both very liberal. Bob Barr is a TRUE conservative.

  5. obama

  6. Obama said he will improve our power sorces, end our dependency on forgien oil, and clean up our plant, and solve the iraq problem, thats alot to do in 4 years good luck with that democrats

  7. obama isnt genuine in his speeches, hes a good talker to the cameras but his past is too rough and shady to be considered for ANY office in US government. Check into how he got the position he has.

  8. McCain has both the experience and the wisdom to lead our country with patriotism and an open mind.

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