
McCain or Obama on veteran health care?

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Which candidate do you think will do a better job improving health care for our veterans?




  1. Sen. Obama will do better. Sen. McCain was against the new Veterans Bill of Rights along with Bush until it passed Congress with a veto proof majority. Sen. Obama is PERSONALLY responsible for the improvement in Veteran's Care at Walter Reed Army Hospital. It was really DEPLORABLE while the Republithugs contrrolled Congress.

  2. President George HW Bush, Senator Robert Dole, and Senator John McCain should have been advocates for veteran care, health, and welfare.   Having been in combat it would appear that these gentlemen would insure the resources would be in place for comprehensive management of veteran needs.   Senator McCain has done nothing to suggest that he a veteran himself would advocate improvement of existing structures for veteran affairs.

  3. OBAMA

  4. It doesn't matter.

    If Obama takes Hillary as VP, I vote DEM, if not,....

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