
McCain or <span title="Obama........................who">Obama.......................</span> would you tip for a £/$/€?

by  |  earlier

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obviously i mean 'who' would you tip for a quid




  1. mccain definately makes the better oven chips ?

  2. I dunno I&#039;ve never tried Obama Oven Chips. :-)

  3. McCain if your betting

  4. obama 08

  5. I&#039;ld like Obama to win… but I&#039;m afraid the Americans will probably vote for McCain…

    God I hope that guy doesn&#039;t win… please let him have a stroke tonight… or fall down the stairs and be in a coma…

    Obama sadly does not seem to convince enough people that being black is not a contradictio in terminis for a president…

  6. McCain. Obama iis like racist.?

  7. Rupert Murdoch is backing Obama.s**t@rse that he is I know for certain the guy only backs dead certs(no pun intended,hopefully)The man&#039;s a floozy who backs whoever will sell.Everything I have on Obama.

  8. Rock on Obamaaaaaaaaaaa !

  9. While I&#039;d like Obama to win I think it will be the old white guy McCain.

  10. I vote for Obama.  Mccain wants to fight in Iraq until h**l freezes over and I think all that has done so far has been for the benefit of Iran

  11. mcain is a typical white slimey american just like all the others. why do americans always vote for the slimey git. like bush, carter, nixon reagan . bring on obama. he sounds like a good solid sound man and hes not a slime ball.

  12. If Obama chooses Clint as a running mate, he&#039;s finished. We&#039;ve had enough of the Clint&#039;s. Also, Obama must be aware that Clint will do anything to reach her ambitions including....!

  13. obama FTW

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