
McCain promises more failed Republican policies?

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Tax cuts for the rich while at war = printing of worthless dollars to make up the difference between income and the spending required. The printing of these worthless dollars = a REAL inflation rate of close to 50% a year in 2008!

The convention LOVES these failed policies because since they are at the TOP it doesn't hurt them! It hurts the WORKING PEOPLE when food, heat, gas and steel become unfordable!

These "Republicans do not love America, they only love their greed!

They would rather LOSE AMERICA'S ECONOMY than to pay their own fair share of taxes!





  1. con stands for chief operating n**i.

  2. McCain didn't promise tax cuts for the rich, so I don't know where that is coming from.  Most of the things McCain talked about are NOT Bush's policies or typical Republican policies.  You must have watched a different speech.

    Fair share of taxes?  Okay we can do fair.  Let's have a 20% income tax rate across the board for every single person.  That would make it fair. I know that wouldn't work out well, but my point is that you seem to lack an understand of what fair means.  Paying a higher percentage of taxes because you are successful and make more money isn't fair, it's a penalty. So cut the fair share BS out.

    Did you know that Bush lowered the tax burden on the poor by around 25-30% since he took office?  

  3. I would have to agree with you on this...

  4. You are absolutely correct ! Our economy starts to tank soon after the Repubs take office. Going back to Reagan continuing on with Bush our economy tanked, blue collar workers were/have been stripped of most of their workers rights, labor unions while not cure-all for labor and management disputes were effective in securing better wages and benefits then Reagan in the blink of an eye made it OK to union bust when he essentially fired striking air traffic controllers in 1981 and ignored their PATCO union.

    For every person who says they are doing well, there's thousands of people who have lost their homes, jobs, health care, etc etc etc ! If you're a white collar worker then chances are you're doing well but if you're a blue collar worker (if you're lucky enough to even have a job), chances are your wages are stagnant and have been for the last few years.

    Under the last three Republican presidents (Reagan, Bush and now Dubya, the USA has been involved in the Iran/Contra debacle, the Gulf War and now the "war" in Iraq and sadly republicans think all three were justified.

  5. "The convention LOVES these failed policies because since they are at the TOP it doesn't hurt them! It hurts the WORKING PEOPLE when food, heat, gas and steel become unfordable!"

    Excuse me? I am a sahm, and my husband busts his butt everyday working hard for our family. We are totally voting McCain because we don't think it is right to steal money from the rich, and give it to the poor just cause some people don't want to work as hard to get to the "top". Learn how to budget your money, and stop spending money you don't have, and pretty soon you'll be able to pay for food and gas. I sure don't think its fair for the rich to have to clean up a mess they didn't make. I also don't think it is fair to have to tell them when and how to spend money...I'd rather it be a free country where people can give money to who they want, when they want.

    Democrats like you just want a free hand out, but let me remind you- nothing is free.

    "Did you notice? not one rep has contradicted my statement that the reps are the real terrorists in America?"

    Yeah thats cause it is absolutely stupid and not worth an acknowledgement. You have nothing to stand on saying that. Nothing what-so-ever.

  6. And what is Obama's plan for reducing the deficit?  Oh that's right, he plans on a lot more spending and a lot more taxing.  He doesn't expect the deficit to go down at all during a first term.


  7. Failed?  GET A LIFE.  We have a house, a job, two cars and vast opportunities in the land of opportunity.  There hasn't been anoher terrorist attack in my city since 9/11. Take your Liberal bribble elsewhere.

  8. McCain is going to be the "new Republican" same model with just new paint job.

  9. Maybe they would not have failed if we didn't have a democratic congress.

    an attempt cant fail BC you never really got the chance to prove the plan works.

    and the rich paying their taxes and your IS NOT  a fair share!

    it sounds to me like someone is being lazy.

    Q; why cant liberals become successful w/o the govt help.

    too hard.....

    bc I am the 1st person to go to college in my family and I was raised by a single mom and I am doing just fine!

  10. your incorrect, stop pretending you have any idea what your talking about right now. And you, Joe, do you even know what your talking about, no.

  11. sure they are

    but mccain will still help out this country

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