
McCain sacrificed his first marriage courting a former beauty queen.?

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Has he also sacrificed any chance of being President courting another former beauty queen?




  1. Agreed.

  2. Maybe.

    This will all work out in November fourth

    sixty two more days and that will be a time for everyone to put

    action into their words..*vote* and *vote* for the people you want to

    run this country

    I don't care about * much * and innuendos.

    Your question is the kind that is asked in the National Enquirer

    A lot of beauty queens are very smart and contribute to the USA

    1988 Miss America Kayel Lani Rae Rafko is from Monroe, Michigan

    and she came back to Monroe, Mich as a RN nurse and is a great

    benefactor of *hospice* in the Monroe, Michigan area..

    Sometimes Beauty Queens are great benefactors of the American Dream

  3. Dont you wish O-bot

  4. Sen.McCain's first wife was also a beauty queen and a swimsuit model. Anyone notice a pattern here?

  5. Meh, he's just scum, out and out. Cheated on his first wife and married some rich blonde bimbo.

  6. it happens

  7. Polls showed that more people thought that Palin would help McCain (52)than thought Biden would help Obama (was 42% i believe).  shrug.

  8. Hey, when you're rich and powerful, beauty queens come out of the woodwork looking for a "job."  Clinton got a "job" - no doubt McCain, the 72 year old Maverick (HA!) gets a "job" too.

    Yeah, we need a beauty queen for VP and a maverick whose campaign is run by the biggest lobbyists in D.C. as president.  


  9. and he sacrificed his Presidency by picking another one.

  10. No, it's not going to harm his chances at becoming the President. I think it'll energize social conservatives. Obama's camp. My advice is to stop pretending like this has just gotten easier and work keeping your base together, and getting younger voters registered. It's not going to be a cakewalk, no matter how much you wish it would be.  

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