
McCain said this about Obama......?

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"With all the breathless coverage from abroad, and with Sen. Obama now addressing his speeches to the people of the world, I'm starting to feel a little left out. Maybe you are, too."

Do you feel left out?


Do you feel like communicating with the world's other countries is good for the US?




  1. I would too if I was mc cain.

  2. Obama has actually violated US law by going on his world tour, but no one cares...

    Look up the Logan Act on wikipedia.

  3. xzfefefef

  4. Hussein Obama is running for president of the world and like others who made the same mistake he will be defeated.

    If by chance he is elected the US is in for a debacle.

  5. obama sucks

  6. Obama has made a huge impact on the world and McCain has no way to make a come back.

  7. african or american you decide?

    of all races how come there was'nt a red indian running for the presidential elections(american heritage)haha

  8. When will people realize that Obama is just posturing... Read the articles from some magazine reporters who said the "press conferences" he held there were staged and not really conferences. Even many of the interviews were choreographed. His trip were just for votes and to imply he cares.  I am going to wait for a year from now if he is President, how people are going to react when they realize they have been scammed. He is no JFK.

  9. McCain's just a tad jealous his "straight talk express" ran out of gas months ago. McCain should be happy that the so-called Liberal Media hasn't been highlighting all of his flip-flopping and the endless stream of misstatements that he constantly spews.

    No, I don't feel left out. And truth be told, I'm not all that crazy about Obama, but he makes McCain's campaign look like an outing at the old folks home.

  10. I do believe it is good for us. Maybe he can help straighten out some of the problems we're having in this world of ours. Sure can't hurt. I saw on tv the other night, where Obama was talking to world leaders and McCain was at a baseball game. Hmmmmm, I wonder who is the smarter of the 2. In my estimation, it is Obama I pleased to say.

  11. Obama is not a man to run this country. He is weakminded and a pitiful excuse for a man.

  12. Obama is all speeches and bet he cant deliver...I can spew ideology an promises as much as he does and have the same chance at getting it done....

  13. oboma rocks hard

  14. go for it.. go obama.  republicans are jealous

  15. yes, we should make better friends with the world, if not then you'll all get blown up,  the world really needs to choose their side carefully,  if we lose this war, and their economic warfare works, we will not go down alone,  you can count on that

    it is the All-American way of life, Play to win or take 'em all down with you.

  16. It is about time that someone who is going to be in authority here let the people of the world know that they care what they think.  We are a part of the world community, and their perception of the US people matters.

  17. Americans face a problem of two unimpressive candidates to choose from. (again)

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