
McCain says - Fight with me and we will change America?

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Why must anyone fight with him to fight the policies he supported 90 times?

Has he not been part of Washington problems for 26 yrs by surrounding himself with lobbyists and voting for george Bush policies?.

What kind of change when he is digging deeper and deeper into the core intolerant republican base by selecting Palin etc?

Who on earth will fight with McCain when McCain is fighting himself?

Do people just change at age 72 and after sharing 26 yrs in Washington and being 90% is support of the policies they want to change?




  1. I'll fight his bony old @ss, tell him I said BRING IT ON.

    LOL Just kiddin... I agree with what you said. I just can't take that guy seriously no matter how hard I try. He's funny looking and he talks funny and he cracks me up!

  2. Unlike Obama, he has a track record of change and achievements.

    Obama's slogan is "Change We Can Believe In".  'belief" is based on faith and hope.

    McCain's slogan should be "Change We Can Count On", based on actual accomplishments.

  3. Great, first a chicken hawk and now a real hawk with broken wings-just what we need.

  4. Atleast he has the guts to vote. Obama, "Present! Now do not bother me, I am writing my third memoir!"

    The only things Obama has voted for is basically 100 percent Democratic. Where did that get us? Congress isn't doing anything and has a lower approval rating than the President.  

  5. Yeah he wants to fight the Russians. McCain is insane!

  6. I'm fighting AGAINST him with everything I've got.  Everything you said is true, he's saying "pay no attention to that man behind the curtain"while pulling levers and blowing smoke in our faces.

    What a fraud.

  7. Didn't you hear?

    McCain changed his mind again this week......

    It's because in those 26 years he has flip flopped back and fourth based on what best helps him, not the country.

  8. John McCain had his chance 8 years ago and he was defeated by Governor George W. Bush. It's time for New Blood ! Vote Obama in '08 !

  9. No he can not.  McCain will not change Washington cause he will not hold the White House accountable for they actions.

  10. I believe him and he has proved it over and over again through out his political life.

  11. He is talking about changing the way things work in D.C. for years he has tried to reform the whole process. He wants to reduce or eliminate the bipartisan political agendas.

  12. I Will

  13. McCain change:

    -stop teaching science

    -send women to the alleys for medical attention

    -send physicians to jail

    -end birth control

    -more war for oil

    -drill more/conserve less

    -larger tax cut giveaways for the wealthy

    -increase corporate welfare

    You got to be kiddin' me.

  14. What is McCain fighting? and is he the only one fighting it?

    I don't want to fight, I am sick of all the fighting. I don't want to be a victim that needs someone out "there" fighting for me.

    I just want someone who has a good plan for the future of this country. That's why I am voting for Obama.

  15. because he wants us e to live in h**l for at least another four years

  16. Obama has voted faithfully democrat. if you  havent noticed, the Democrats control congress and nothing has been done. McCain supported more legislation against pork-barrel spending and speccial interest groups than Obama and Biden. Palin has took on corruption even within her own party (something democrats would NEVER do) You're just spouting the same false accusations that the Dems are whipping out, and if you actually do the research, you will find out that McCain has done more to change American politics than Obama.

  17. Seems about right; he's been fighting for change and often at loggerheads with his own party since Obama was only a few years out of Madras and Palin changed Alaskan politics big time in her two years as governor.  I want positive change not empty promises of change so I am voting McCain/Palin.  Both McCain and Palin have caused good change while Obama has done a lot of talking and Biden has been fighting for the status quo for decades.  

  18. Did you know ALL of Congress votes with the sitting President more than 90 percent of the time? That is because there are so many Non issues involved it is not controversial. Only  the BIG votes are diverse, so, Obama and Biden and other Members of Congress.... they ALL voted with Bush 90 percent of the time. But the Dems don't stop long enough to Tell you that. Don't believe the HYPE!

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