one second he his against off shore drilling, now he is for it.
in his speeches, he is for supporting the troops, and then he votes several times to cut off benifits to the troops.
He talks about family values, while he was divoricing his 1st wife who stood up for him while in a POW, while she is in a hospital for surgery. She was standing up to the stories that his fellow POW's called him a Stool Pidgeon.
where does mccain actually stand, as there are so many examples of him flip-flopping, which lie shoul I believe?
now, as of this past week end, he was in favor of a time-table for withdrawl, and then on Sunday he denied saying the words.
which mccain to believe?
he really should learn that everthing he says is on the net.
Maybe, because he just admitted to sending his first email, he does not know that everything is a record of his duality.