
McCain says he is opposed to celebrities & picks a sportscaster, vogue model for VP, are we being punked?

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McCain says he is opposed to celebrities & picks a sportscaster, vogue model for VP, are we being punked?




  1. Yeah. She's a celebrity. That's why the media has spent the entire day scrambling to find out who she is..

  2. OHHHHH HAHAHA that is funny!!! I was laughing so hard when I found out who he picked!!! Really a beauty queen as VP Yeah!! Never gonna happen!

  3. Well he is either a liar or a fool. He was thinking with his gonads and not his head. She is an attractive middle aged woman, who in her youth was more attractive as per he cheesecake pictures when she came in second in the contest for Miss Alaska. She is a vapid personality, ignorant and right wing. Once again McCain made a fool of himself and the GOP. They could have pickeda much more qualified candidate and they didn't

  4. Nope.

    A celebrity is someone who is famous throughout the country/world and can be easily recognized.  Sarah Palin is virtually unknown to most Americans.

    Good job.

  5. Cain is on dope.

  6. No, just manipulated.  

  7. LOL Mccain is confused. But if he wins are taxes will buy him the moon

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