
McCain says "CHANGE is on the way!" So can we say that plagiarism sets the moral tone for his administration?

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Not very original, was it? Looks as if the Straight Talk Express has been superceed by the Same Talk Express.




  1. Saying that, and having people believe that it's what he's about, is the only way he stands a chance of winning. But at the same time, it's also a tacit admission that the previous (Rep) Admin has been a right F*CKUP. The man's a dolt--so is guaranteed to win.

  2. Change is on the way?       He vowed before this to continue the ruinous policies of the current administration.     He also said some garbage about lowering taxes.      How would he pay for the war that he wants to continue for more than 10 years?

    McCain is a Bush clone, and he'll say anything to get elected, and continue the road to ruin pursued for the last eight years by the administration.       Haliburton and big oil make billions upon billions, and the American taxpayer foots the bill.

    How about making Iraq pay for the war in their own country?

    Where is all of that money going from their oil?

  3. Well this goes out to every single Republican who so eloquently praised the "FOUR MORE YEARS" slogan four years ago.

    How ironic, that today, for years later, your own party is running its campaign on the word "CHANGE".

    The GOP has clearly realized that people want change, and that it needs to rethink the direction it has been going. It's called populism, and it has the potential to either make or break McCain.

    I don't care how many thumbs down I get. I'm saying EXACTLY what the GOP election machine has realized.

  4. Why don't you present your thoughts of plagiarism to Sen.Biden.

  5. Yes, exactly. He saw that nothing he was doing was working, so he 's gone on to start stealing Obama's ideas. Funny how these re-pubic-ans attack and criticize Obama, then turn around and steal all his ideas. Ha ha!

  6. Just about every politician who has ever run a campaign has promised change of some kind. Obama wasn't the first. McCain won't be the


  7. Hey, if you want examples of plagiarism, see Obama's speeches.

    "Just words...just words...."  Oh, I guess you forgot about that incident because it was a couple of months ago huh?

    How quickly Obamabots forget things!

  8. Youi've got Obama and Biden for heroes, right.

    Nothing works as well as denial.

  9. It is pretty pathetic that the repubs are actually taking  all the dem ideas and pretending they are like the dems in order to try and get some votes...

  10. The only change that will take place in a McCain administration is when Sarah replaces his Depends.

  11. Politicians(magicians!) of a feather,  ding the poochie together!  Boy, these two, Obombus & insane McCain are a real pair of over acheivers aren't they?!

    The only thing I see em do is shoot the sheet, WHEN, their not pumping the pooch!

  12. Personally, I'd go with hypocrisy, but sure, plagiarism works.

    How can a man who agrees with Bush on 90% of occasions, who believes in continuing an unjust war of aggression indefinitely and who believes that under Bush, the economy has made "great progress" even SAY that he's for change with a straight face, that's what mystifies me.

    You just KNOW he wouldn't be talking about change if Barack Obama hadn't made the election squarely about that particular issue. So when McCain talks about change, it rings incredibly hollow. He's selling change he doesn't believe in. Why anyone would buy it is a mystery.

  13. What is original is that Obama promised change; McCain DELIVERED change.  By the way, wasn't the "hope" of hope and change, John Kerry's slogan "Hope is on the way"?

    Edit:  Actually, it isn't the same at all.  Obama just talks about "change"; he never defines it.  McCain not only defined it last night, he specifically said HOW he would change the political climate and performance in Washington.

    Obama's statement is hyperbole; McCain's is statement of fact.

  14. If the republican party is so great why are they changing it?

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