
McCain sociological energy plan and balancing the budget in his first term?

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How will McCain balance the buget in his first term in office with the Bush tax cut that he want to make permanent where will he get the money ? do McCain think everyone live in the Appalachian region of this country and can't due the math . isnt' it about the economy stupid ?




  1. The GOP as a whole is finally getting their act together to present a realistic economic plan. McCain has an uphill battle, but he's never been shy in facing the giants.

    The GOP plan — which focuses on four areas: energy, taxes, pork and long-term growth — is welcome, as the party had been wandering in the wilderness for a while.

    Other tax-related plans — additional tax breaks and the choice of a two-tiered flat tax that's filed on a single page — are welcome parts of a (largely) inspired package of GOP ideas.

    For the long term, the Republicans are talking up free trade, tax cuts for entrepreneurs, reforming Social Security and Medicare, rules to tie spending increases to economic growth and tort reform.

  2. mccain promises alot and will deliver nothing other than what bush has, which is a weak america struggling ever harder.

    anyone who takes mccain seriously that he can balance the budget while keeping all bush's tax cuts for the wealthy while adding even more tax cuts for the top 1% is a fool.

  3. Well, you sound like you got yourself a real fine education there.  However familiar I am with the stereotype, your reference to "Appalachia"  is quite hateful and bigoted.   You might spend a little more time asking questions about grammar and syntax.

  4. I resent I live in the Appalachian area and I have a calculator. McCain just spouts off without thinking. He is either stupid, confused the biggest liar in the world. He wants to keep the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy, stay in Iraq and cut taxes for every body. If you believe that then you believe McCain did not give anti American statements to the North Vietnamese.

  5. McNasty wants to make a deal with the devil by drilling for more oil to create more global warming and ratcheting up nuclear power.

    God help us all if another right-wing screwball gets in office.

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