
McCain supporter has a question??

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Does He not understand the importance of Minnesota and Iowa???

these are key swing states, He Has to win them.

why in the world is he picking somebody from Alaska who has two years experience as governor?




  1. who knows?....i guess it was an attempt to steal some thunder from the dnc convention (which it did)...and to get him and her on the sunday morning talkshows (which it will)...He reminds me of a poker player that's holding J's and he thinks his opponent is holding Q's, so he goes all in to try to steal the pot....a bad bet, in my opinion.  

  2. Desperation

  3. If I were a women I would be insulted, This feels like the most contrived decision I have ever seen.

    Nothing against Gov. Paulin but this is nothing more than an attempt to go after the disgruntled or disappointed Hillary supporters, does he really think that her just being a women will sway people, Clinton supporters gave their support not just because she is a woman but because of her stand on the issues, Paulin is a staunch conservative who opposes abortion rights as well as g*y rights, I think McCain by his choice is saying women voters don't care about the issues just that there is a woman on the ticket.

    and how are they going to keep using inexperience against Obama when he picks a running mate who has been Gov. LESS than two years. and no foreign policy experience. this was there biggest weapon against Obama.

  4. I'm sure he hasn't given up on them, just wait, she will be a campaigning force.

  5. I think the main thing is that she has experience in an "oil state" and hopefully has that experience needed to lower gas prices as she has done a complete economic reform in Alaska to prove it. I also believe it might have had to do with Hillary not being chosen as Obama's VP. I think McCain is showing Hillary supporters and independents that they can feel even more comfortable voting for him, he is welcoming them by proving it through his actions (selecting Palin), not via words.

  6. There goes the National Security argument

  7. I think he blew it!

  8. He knew he had no chance in h**l for winning so I think he just picked a straw in the hat and she won.....

  9. Because she's a woman. Its actually a brilliant political move from McCain, he can now appeal to the Hillary supporters who are dissatisfied with Obama. He gains the vote of women, not only in a few states, but across the entire country.

  10. Can he now critize  Obama with all his experience compared to  Gov Palin   2 years in office?

    How about her Foreign experience?

    What is her Economic   experience?

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