
McCain supporters, wtf is the deal?

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Out of all the politicians out there, Bob chose Sarah...

Could it be because he knows how stupid you actually are. Do republicans really think that his choosing a gorgeous white women to help him run against a Harvard educated black man is coincidence? I feel like we're electing the student body president at this point.

s***w the election, when does American Idol come back on..


Obama/Liden 08




  1. he figures the people he is trying to attract will go for this gun toting mama.

  2. lmao as a McCain supporter I agree with you.. It's pathetic that he picked her to get women to vote for him because you're right what are the odds he would pick her if Obama wasn't black. I just don't know what we've come to or who I'm voting for

    lmao dont give me thumbs down because I'm saying the truth-get real

  3. We have been wondering why in the heck Obama would pick that old dinosaur Biden. Of all the fresh new faces he could pick for his main theme of "change," he picks a guy who was around when Betsy Ross sewed the flag.

    The American people are going to love Sarah Palin. The middle class, the ordinary working people, the family people, the undecideds, and the independents. The people who actually decide elections.

    I will meet you back here the day after the election to see who was right. Good luck.

  4. It's called pandering.

    He thinks that Americans are image voters rather than issue voters.

    Americans are going to vote for the candidate that will do the most good for the most Americans, not the one that has voted with Bush 95% of the time to help ruin America for the past 8 years.

    President Obama will end Bush's war, end Bush's deficit spending and restore honor and dignity to the White House.

    McSame would keep Bush's failed economic and foreign policies going for the next 100 years.

  5. Alex, breathe.  You will get through this.  Tantrums really do not help.  (Believe me, I've tried them.)  

    American Idol is okay if you watch one episode, calm down, and come back.

    Obama/Biden '08

    And you're right - Palin is poised opposite Obama, not McCain.

    In 2000, Cheney made Bush acceptable.  In 2008, Palin's there for McCain.

    A friend asked about oil & beer in the White house.  I've been thinking about fish & chips most of the day since.....

    Find something to laugh at and someone to laugh with.  Palin doesn't have a perfect record, but, yes, McCain made quite an effective pick.

    If we had anything like a democratic free press, the McCains are so vulnerable it isn't funny.  But this seems to be an election of power plays rather than facts.

  6. This woman is principled and qualified - much a contrast to the phony Hillary Rotten Clinton or Michelle Hussein Obama.

    You guys would be griping and complaing no matter who it would have been, if the person stood against your sick liberal agenda.

  7. The student body would elect Mr. Smooth president, ie Obama. :D  If you want to put this into HS or even College politics, then Sarah Palin would be homecoming queen.  

    However, based on actual qualifications and experience I have to go with Palin over Obama and McCain over Biden.  O, that's right, it's McCain over Obama and Palin over Biden!  Give me strong candidates, not vacuous ones like Obama/Biden.

  8. I like the way liberals argue. Call anyone who doesn't think the same way they do stupid. Real mature. That is the liberal elite mindset.

    I think Palin is great. She is fighting the federal government for the right to drill for oil and gas in Alaska. She is pro life. She likes to hunt. She is pro 2nd amendment. I heard her talking on a radio show about wanting to drill in Alaska. She sounds very intelligent. She also sounds down to earth. Not like an elitist know it all who knows what's best for everyone.

    And on top of all that she's good looking. I think the lefties are worried she is going to get a lot of former Hillary Clinton supporters to vote for her. And she will give Joe Biden a run for his money in the debates.

  9. She is wonderful!!   I'm delighted with her because of her experience and her stand on issues.  The liberals are always painting an image of Republicans as being bigoted and too narrow minded to elect a woman.  Of course this isn't true.

  10. Out of the Harvard GRADUATES every year, 50% are in the bottom of the class. SO I don't put much stock in a College Grajiate.

    I have more trust in my ears, and what O'Bama is saying isn't pleasent to mine ears. And Joe "Grab their guns" Biden is an absolute fool by anyone measuring stick.

    So Guess what ticket gets this independants vote?

  11. judge judy could've been a better choice...

  12. Obama has like 2 crappy years experience as a senator and besides that while Obama was sipping martinis Mccain was defending his country and suffering for American freedoms as a POW. Mccain also has like 20 years of government experience on top of that. Let a real hero run America - Mccain 08

  13. Palin is a Splendid choice and she will make a Wonderful VP (and future President)! It just goes to show that McCain is a true maverick, reformer & genius who picks likewise!


    * has the record of the most beloved Governor in the US by her state (Alaska)

    * is a vocal, huge proponent of American energy independence & Alaskan drilling

    * has actually been leading people for the past several while Obama & Biden NEVER have led anyone!

    * shelved her state's pork-laden Bridge to Nowhere that McCain has ridiculed on the trail

    * will join McCain in fighting hard against earmarks

    * is a huge fighter of corruption in Alaska

    * is about as far outside the Beltway as you can get

    * ran on the agenda of stopping wasteful gov't spending

    * is the mother of 5 kids!

    * has had her son deploy to Iraq

    * is for a strong US defense

    * is a widely acknowledged rising star in the Republican party

    * is an ice fisherman

    * is a moose hunter

    * is a small business owner and a lifetime NRA member

    All in all, she's a truly fine leader, citizen and patriot - who truly represents Americana (Motherhood & Apple pie)!

    McCain/Palin '08


  14. Dude, you're calling McCain supporters stupid?

    Obama supporters = Freaking sheep!

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