
McCain supporters: Are you worried about the possibility of Sarah Palin becoming President?

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Obviously, if you are a Democrat you are.

But if you are Republican, especially if you are also a woman, do Sarah Palin's extreme views about abortion, birth control, and s*x education concern you?

For both sexes: What about the fact that she tried to have certain books banned in Alaska.

[Former Wasilla mayor] Stein says that as mayor, Palin continued to inject religious beliefs into her policy at times. “She asked the library how she could go about banning books,” he says, because some voters thought they had inappropriate language in them. “The librarian was aghast.” The librarian, Mary Ellen Baker, couldn’t be reached for comment, but news reports from the time show that Palin had threatened to fire her for not giving “full support” to the mayor.

What about the fact that she thinks global warming is a hoax and sued to have polar bears taken off the endangered species list.

She also supports teaching creationism in science classes.

Doesn't any of this concern you at all. This woman tries to inject religion into government, which our forefather's feared and warned us about.

McCain is in his 70's and has had skin cancer several times. If you heard him last night, you must have noticed that he's an OLD man.

If you DON'T consider yourself evangelical, aren't you worried about the possibility of this woman becoming president?

Please, think about this and answer honestly as an American, not just as a Republican.




  1. sorry


    they have been programed through fear to vote for just Anybody with an R in back of their name

  2. why -why- why do i have to be considered evangelical because i don't think that babies should be aborted, people should own guns if they want- i believe in god , consider myself a christian but i don't go to church like i should - i don't want polar bears to drown- i like bears , we cant keep letting foreign oil rule us but  we cant change everybody to electric cars overnight. i couldn't afford one anyway. i have a newborn grandson who has birth defects- he was sent to a hospital 100 miles away, i couldn't go see him like i wanted to because i couldn't afford the gas!!! people have to get a GRIP . the democrats will change nothing but faces-  go mccain- go palin-  

  3. I'm not in any way concerned about her becoming President if she can do the job. Personally, after her speech on Wednesday night, I like her. In fact, I like her better than McCain and Obama.

    I'm a white middle class male, 50+, Catholic, living in NJ (which has just about had its full of "corrupt" politicians).

  4. After McCain serves a president for eight years, I'd be glad to see her become president for the next eight years.

  5. Even if they are evangelical, they should know that in this country, there is supposed to be a separation between church and state.  It hey don't know and support this fact, they are not true Americans, and they are looking forward to the USA becoming a totalitarian religious state.  Kind of like England was back in the 1770s.

  6. I am a woman and I am a Democrat and I intend to vote for her because I think she is right.

    I am old enough to know that her "extreme" views are very old ones...ones that were widely held and cherished by a once strong, growing America. Those values made us #1 in the world. Those values worked exceedingly well. That America was safer, healthier and happier than the America of today. This is why she supports these views.

    I believe in democracy and if the community does not want particular books in its libraries, it has the right to keep them out. Find them elsewhere on your own. They will not be BOUGHT and KEPT with public money.

    I am a serious doubter of the global warming thing. I challenge anyone to run outside with a pen and paper and write down everything they can see, hear, or feel that global warming has ruined. Hhmmmmm. See why I am not ready to up-end our country and dump tons of money over this thing yet? We should all take care of the environment but this is something else entirely, I think.

    All laws are moral laws. That is worth repeating. Believing in a God is not a bad thing unless you are trying to control others with it...but then, there is a code of morals we all must follow or perish without. You cannot enter a room or a place and forget your morals or the code you will live by. You expect others to do the same. There really is no separation of church and state in that regard. What Jefferson meant was there will be no INTERFERENCE by the GOVERNMENT with what the people wish to practice and believe concerning a God.

    Thanks for your questions...they were very thoughtful.

  7. Even so, she can't just pass every law she wants. Presidents have limited power, she would have to go through many people and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't pass extremist things like those. So no, I'm not worried that she's too conservative.

    Anyways, the rumor about her threatening to fire a librarian could be word-of-mouth. There's no evidence to support it. The librarian could've just been really ticked off..librarians do love their books. People say false things to make people look bad all the time, especially when they don't like that person.

  8. Not NO ... H E L L .. N O ! ! !

    WE are more worried about the possibilty of an ANTI-American being in the White House !!

    JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama IS Anti-American !!!

    JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama wants to END WORLD POVERTY on ... OUR NICKEL AND SURRENDER THE United States ... to THE United Nations.


    Please, search .. AND READ ... the ...

    Global Poverty Act (S.2433), ... and it is being sponsored by none other than JUNIOR U. S. Senator Barack Obama.


    Democrats are TRYING to BLAME Republicans for the FAILURES of the Socialist / Communist / Liberal / Marxist Democrats of the last 65+ YEARS !!!

    Democrats have to recognize that since the 73rd Congress in 1933

    ... for a MAJORITY of THE LAST 65 YEARS

    ... Democratic Houses of Representatives and Democratic Senates have

    ... CONTROLLED the nation and the President.

    A TOTAL of 38 Sessions

    ... with Democrats in CONTROL for 28 of those!

    WE need to inform/TELL our political representatives that WE NEED TO PASS a Constitutional Amendment for the LINE ITEM VETO.

    This will keep the SPECIAL INTEREST GARBAGE from being attached to valuable legislation.

    If Congress wants to give the president that power, they will have to pass a constitutional amendment, Supreme Justice John Paul Stevens said. "If there is to be a new procedure in which the president will

    play a different role in determining the text of what may become a law, such change must come not by legislation but through the amendment procedures set forth in Article V of the Constitution," Stevens said,

    on June 25th, 1998.

    IF your special interest is SO valuable, why do you have to HIDE it in valuable legislation?

    So, with them REFUSING to PASS the Line Item Veto, in reality, the House and Senate have REALLY been controlling the country!!

    AND, with the CURRENT Senate and Congress having the WORST approval rating in HISTORY, hopefully we will see a LOT of changes after the general elections.

    A recent Reuters poll is out and Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have pulled an upset: They have managed to make George Walker Bush twice as popular as CONGRESS.

    RECENTLY - - JUST 8% of Likely Voters now say the DEMOCRATICALLY CONTROLLED Congress is doing a good or excellent job.

    Democrats generally believe in heavy fines for honest work, while rewarding sloth and indulgence.

    Do YOU think that people should be able to do absolutely nothing productive and get government hand-outs for sloth and indulgence - healthcare, tobacco, alcohol, drugs, STDs, etc. ??

    Do YOU want to have YOUR MONEY TAKEN from YOU and YOUR FAMILY to FINANCE these people ???


    JUNIOR U. S. Senator Obama did NOT complete his FIRST term in office

    ... with just 143 days of ACTUAL experience

    ... HE decided

    ... that he DESERVED to be THE President of THE United States of America !!!


    TAXES ... TAXES ... AND ... MORE TAXES ... are what is driving American corporations to downsize in America and expand in "friendlier" countries !!!


  9. Nope.

  10. NO , Are you worried about Obama being President? Or Biden? As an American and I am Catholic and as a woman I am not scared of either McCain nor Palin being President. Also age is not a factor to me. I have been to many young people's funerals as well as old. Unfortunately noone is invincible.  

  11. My Only thought is that she is a wonderful fantasic woman who scares the lefties.  Go McPalin - Go Mcbrilliant.  The Dems are really grabbing for straws now.   They are going to lose again.  Yes Sir........

  12. I am definitely not worried about Palin as president. If those extreme views are true, which I don't think are to an extent, you gotta remember that becoming president doesn't give you some form of dictatorship. Everything she would wanna do would have to go through Congress. So this is more of a question of faith in Congress, would they pass those kind of laws.

    I of course don't think Palin would propose them.

  13. Shame on you! Do you have a Grandmother or GrandFather,do they not have feelings,do they not have pain,and no I am not worried in the least that Sarah Palin may one day become President,she certainly has enough experience unlike your Obama who has 143 days as a jr.Senator! All of your Liberal whineing and moaning will not change no ones mind so save your fingers the trouble of asking such ridiculous questions! And just because you don't believe in God and creation,stop trying so hard to shove it down our throat's! Nuff said!

  14. I'm a christian and a Republican and I'm worried about Sarah Palin.  I think she was the wrong choice.  

    I believe that if you want to teach evolution theory in school then there should be the other theories taught as well.  Because evolution is not considered factual science and if school is supposed to be an institute of learning and discovery then why not give every theory and let our kids decide for themselves.

    I do have a problem with the book banning, it's part of our fundamental rights to have the freedom of press and speech.  I'm also worried that as a Republican who is in favor of smaller government she is trying to use her government position to intrude in our lives.  Can't have it both ways.

    Where is the champion of the average citizen?  I'm not finding it in Palin and not in Obama..........Mitt where are you?

  15. This was asked several times before, but no, I wouldn't be worried.

    Presidents use the info presented to them by their Joint Chiefs and I believe she could wade thru the BS and not cower for fear of offending some terrorist.

    Skin cancer is the most survivable and easily treated kind.

    She supports the women's right to choose *birth control* or require their partner to wear a condom. She has stated this and is not abstinence only. She believes all life is holy and must not be destroyed out of convenience. She believes a baby has a Right to Live.

    She wants both views on creation and evolution to be discussed in the classroom. She has no intention of requiring it.

    Ageism is as ugly as racism, but I guess the old folks don't cry as bitterly as minorities do about it.

  16. My aren't you a credulous little mouthpiece for irresponsible propaganda?

    Quite frankly, I wish the ticket were reversed.  I think Palin will make an excellent president!

    I saw that thing on the book banning.  Doesn't it bother you that half the titles on the supposed hit list weren't even published when this was supposed to have happened?

    Global warming _is_ a hoax.  This is not the warmest period in the last two thousand years.  How did the polar bears survive the last warm period?

    Are feminists for women's rights and equal opportunity or just liberal women's rights and equal opportunity for Liberal Women?

  17. I'm not concerned at all about her being the 2nd in command.  I think she will clean up Washington both democrats and republicans... which is WELL past due.

  18. no, I think Palin would be a great President. In 2012 I hope to see Hilary clinton and Sarah Palin both running for President.

  19. I am a Democrat. McCain is my man. Palin will help HIllary in the end. But it is not about Hillary anymore. If it were I would vote for Obama as she told me too.

    McCain has a better chance of staying alive for the next 4 years than Obama does, so I am not worried.

  20. Elected politicians have just as much right to their opinions as anyone else.  If one runs using the aforementioned issues, why is it so bad to follow up?  I don't support banning books, but I could support not using tax dollars to buy books which are considered offensive to a majority of the taxpayers.  I like the idea of both theories of how man got here being discussed.  Global warming has been blown out of proportion to some extent.  Geological evidence shows the Earth cycles through warming and cooling periods.  The question is "Are we accelerating the cycles, and if so, can we decelerate them?  No, I'm not an evangelical, but some of my friends are, and we have some lively discussions.  I go by the biological definition of life, you know the science of biology, and I also know that a baby's DNA is different than its mother's, so why shouldn't we protect its right to due process?  Anybody else can appeal a death sentence, or at least have a day in court if the sentence is supported by law.  Abstention never failed, the resolve of the person did.  No, I'm not too worried if she would become the president, but I guess some people are because they have what they want and are worried about change.  By the way, in Roe v. Wade, the court ruled that the first trimester was not "viable" life, but perhaps the viability issue should be revisited because of technological changes.

  21. Tell you what: we'll give up Palin if you'll give up Obama.

  22. I'm sorry.  I don't find Sarah Palin's stance on abortion in the extreme at all.  What you seem to be saying is that anyone who chooses life over death is an extremist?  

    What I do find extreme is people who say, Okay, in nine months I wasn't able to make up my mind (weakling), and now that I'm actively giving birth to this baby, I think I've decided that I DON'T want it, so just grab that ice pick and pierce my baby's brain and kill her so I don't have to deal with it.  Yeah, it will hurt her, but you know, it'll only be for a minute and then I can go on about my life doing what I want to do.  

    Or just as bad, Yeah, I had the baby, I'm holding her in my arms.  She's three minutes old, but . . . no, I really don't want her.  Can you take her to the trash room and lay her on a cold, steel table and leave her alone and don't treat her - just leave her until she dies from exposure, let's say, anywhere from 45 minutes to ten hours from now.  

    Both of these things are happening right now in this country.  One is called Partial Birth abortion and the other is called Abortion by Neglect.  

    If you call choosing life "extreme," what do you call Partial Birth Abortion and Abortion by Neglect?  

    Science has shown that the earth exited what they call the Mini Ice Age only in the late 1800s, in the Victorian Era.  Look up mini ice age and see what you find.  Isn't it just as likely that the earth is heating up to its pre mini ice age temperature as it is that it is 'global warming'?  

    If you can teach the THEORY of evolution in school, why can you also not teach the THEORY of intelligent design?  The truth does not fear investigation, so why are YOU afraid to let people have ALL the information instead of just a lopsided portion of it?

    Our Forefathers did indeed have a concern about Separation of Church and State, but as usual, the average well-meaning American, such as yourself, does not understand the tenets of SCS, but just use the phrase to browbeat others.  

    SCS simply states that there shall not be a State-run religion; i.e., the Church of England or Communism.  

    I am very concerned about books being banned from  a library, but I am just as disturbed that when I was a kid in school, you could go and check out a Bible from the library but now as an adult I cannot.  Somebody somewhere got the idea that since libraries are funded with public money, Bibles should not be allowed in there.  But . . . I can go check out p**n on public computers at the library all day long.  

    Seems a bit lopsided to me.  

    I am a registered independent, not wanting to be tied down by either party and not wanting to get into fisticuffs over ideologies.  However, the fact that Barak Obama thinks it's okay to leave little babies to die alone in cold rooms on steel tables by themselves so sickens me, I cannot bear the thougt without becoming physically ill.

  23. Yes. Check this out:

  24. I like McCain, I don't like Palin.  I don't agree with her views.  I guess that abstinence program worked really well for her 17 year old - maybe they should have been teaching s*x education.  I'm worried that McCain may kick the bucket, he currently is 72 years old and has already had skin cancer, that worries me that she may have a chance to become president. She lacks experience.

    As for "Plummer Rock"  the USA was not found on Christian beliefs.  The Puritans as well as many other groups came to this country to flee religious prosecution in Europe.  I'm sure you've heard something about Protestants being put to death because they weren't Catholic.  The founding fathers, esp. Thomas Jefferson (who by the way wrote the constitution) believe that we have something called freedom of religion, which means you don't have to be christian, you can be jewish, muslim, hindu, atheist, whatever you want to practice.  He is the main founding father who believed that there should be a separation between CHURCH and STATE.  If you don't believe what I just told you, maybe you should open a history book or research the history of this country.  By the way if you are wondering, yes, I am a christian person, who believes in christian beliefs.  I don't agree with abortion, but I think there should be an exception if the woman was raped or the pregnancy was caused by incest.  I do believe they should teach s*x education, maybe we'd have less teen pregnancy. I'm sorry I don't believe in the creation theory when we have scientific information to the contrary.

  25. No a refreshing change, look what the men have done, they all have a great deal of experience in messing the economy up, closing plants and rebuilding them in foreign country's putting american citizens out of work, Nafta. small mexican farmers suffering from that, crappy trucks on the freeways.  Ya give the women a try, they couldn't do any worse, that's for sure.

  26. Heaven forbid, religious overtones in government. This country was founded on Christian beliefs. The country would collapse without Christian morality. I am so glad I am not so tormented as to be a liberal. Incidentally, I stepped on an ant on the sidewalk today. I lost twenty seven points in being reincarnated.  

  27. I am ecstatic about her becoming our next VP!!!  I am unfamiliar with the stories, of the library books or the State Trooper and will not comment on that.  

    As for the Polar bears, did you bother to look at what she said, and why is is concerned with having them on the Endangered Species list?!?!  The North Slope creates many jobs for Alaskans, and alot of revenue for the state, not to mention, a lot of oil for AMERICA.  She is worried about having to close of that area to save an animal that MAY or may NOT be threatened by the ice shelves melting . . . She's looking out for the people of her state, and for the nation.  Talk about becoming even more dependant on foreign nations . . . imagine if we could no longer drill in the North Slope!  I agree with her actions, and commend her for them!  Would you honestly rather have to depend more on Iran or Venezuela?!?  

    Creationism is a Science, just as Theology is, why shouldn't they be taught in Public Schools?!?!?  is it because you don't agree with them?  It's not a matter of separation of church and state"!  The government cannot deny nor can they force religious beliefs. there's the separation.  Why not let the kids decide what they want to believe?!?

  28. Honestly, I'm not concerned.  No more concerned than anyone should be that Obama could be president.  Standing up to corrupt politicians will probably net us more success than offering an olive branch to terrorist nations.  

  29. Not a bit.....I like her.

  30. not worried.  But I am thrilled at the thought.

  31. EDITED:

    I would like to thank you very much for showing your colors.  Evolution is practically fact?  Really?  Well dearest, perhaps you can tell me how evolution holds up when evaluated strictly by using the scientific method.  

    First, let's look at the scientific method.  It is when an hypothesis is identified, then data are gathered, based on observation and empirical evidence to either support or detract from the original hypothesis.  

    Can you tell with without question that you or anyone else was around 1 million years ago or more to actually observe evolution taking place?  Have you seen it with your own eyes?  Yes or no?  

    Given that the world's oldest person is around 115 years old, not 1 million years old, I'm guessing you have NOT seen evolution with your own eyes.  Therefore you have NO empirical evidence and no observations upon which to prove the evolution hypothesis.

    Evolution CANNOT be proven using the scientific method, therefore, it is NOT science.  And it most certainly is NOT "practically fact".  

    Since it is not science, what is it?  It is a theory.  ONLY a theory.  

    Extreme positions?

    She believes in the inalienable right to life as given by our Creator.  The Founding Fathers believed that so much they included it in the Declaration of Independence.  They believe in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  Sarah Palin believes that.  Guess that makes our Founding Fathers extremists.

    Does Palin want Creationism/Intelligent Design taught ALONE in the classroom, or simply as an alternative to the philosophy (not science) known as evolution.  Chances are she wants it also, not instead of.

    By the way, the phrase "separation of church and state" is not in the constitution.  Read it for yourself.  The phrase simply isn't there.

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