
McCain supporters! John McCain is widely quoted as saying ''He knows how to win Wars''!!?

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Which War has he won?




  1. Who cares what he says.

    We shouldn't even want war, all that comes out is death.

    If you got mad at somebody or disagreed with them it doesn't mean you have to kill them!

  2. He has a strange way of winning.First,Get captured.Second.Make a career out of your 'heroism'.Third.Try to convince the People that you know how  to win wars,when in reality,you haven't, a clue.

  3. Well he knows how to win why are we still in Iraq?

  4. we lost the only war he ever fought in.

  5. The only war we should be thinking of is the war on hunger, poverty. I know a catchy slogan and been the slogan for many want to be election candidates for hundreds of years. None have won these wars ever are even tried very hard to fight them.  

  6. mccain rocks, i sure hope he wins over obama.. everyone who likes him should vote for him on this page (and get a free gift card!!).

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