
McCain supporters: Will you support Obama now because of Palin?

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Please take your time to read the stuff below:

About Palin:

* She was elected Alaska's governor a little over a year and a half ago. She has no foreign policy experience.

*Palin is strongly anti-choice, opposing abortion even in the case of rape or incest.

*She supported right-wing extremist Pat Buchanan for president in 2000

*Palin thinks creationism should be taught in public schools

*She's doesn't think humans are the cause of climate change

*She's solidly in line with John McCain's "Big Oil first" energy policy. She's pushed hard for more oil drilling and says renewables won't be ready for years. She also sued the Bush administration for listing polar bears as an endangered species—she was worried it would interfere with more oil drilling in Alaska.

After reading this, what are your opinions?




  1. nope. i like her. i'm voting for her.   she's honest but obama plan wouldn't be ready for years either.  that's true. oil drilling and renewable won't be readly for years.  

  2. I was going to vote Barr, but now I am going Obama because of McCain's cheap pandering.

  3. So what part of that do you disagree with? She does NOT say creationism should be taught in class. But she doesn't think it should be excluded either. Creationism is not a specific religion. It's just not atheism.

    Humans are incapable of creating climate change. Where was the humans and the automobile while the glaciers were carving out the Great Lakes?

    No. Nobama!

    McCain/Palin '08

  4. Palin has just guarantee Obama the Presidency. McCain should have picked Rommey or Hucklebee as his VP. Instead, McCain thought he could steal the Clinton supporters by picking a woman. A woman that lacks experience and knowledge. Palin is a small time governor with radical views. Palin's environmental views alone will ruin McCain's hope of being President. Obama did a good job of picking a VP with experience. The media will focus more on Palin's faults than they will on McCain's policies.

  5. Palin will be the best V. P. we have had in a long time.

  6. I supported him before and even more now and Obama supporters are scared to death! McCain-Palin!  

  7. A big Y E S !!!!

    Palin's ideologies and principles lack logic, reason and practicality.

    In my opinion, "Pro-choice" is the way to go. If we don't control our population now, massive starvation even here in the US is inevitable in few years time.

    More Oil Drilling is not the answer to oil shortage. It is but a temporary solution to US' insatiable demand for oil.

    Nevermind the experience issue. What we need is a president who has the WISDOM, HUMBLENESS, GREAT SENSE OF RESPONSIBILITY, and the DRIVE to steer this country back to the right direction, not only for this generation but for future generations to come. We are the stewards of this EARTH, it is not our right to deplete its resources and leave our children, children's children and so on, to reap the fruits (or lack of it) of our consumerism, selfishness,  and irresponsibility.

  8. trying to figure out what's wrong, uhm she is for life, GOD, and not being a slave to foreign oil.  AND Obama is for what, killing babies oh and wow how much foreign policy experience does he have.  He had to be dragged to Iraq to see the men and women sacrificing their lives so you can have cheap gas.  

  9. Absolutely not going to vote for Obama.  hahahahaahahhaha.  nope.

    We are excited to have Palin to vote for.  Pat Buchanan is not extremist, any more than Biden is left-wing extremist.  The same labels should apply both ways, don't you think?

  10. Crickets

    ***chirp   chirp  chirp****

  11. lol....


  12. Listen do not under any circumstances underestimate Palin. She may be a neanderthal on social policy and climate change, she may be a whacko Christian nutjob pushing her own theological barrow, but she is also one ruthless, savvy, cut and thrust style politician.

    She has the media savvy and the hutzpah to hijack this election from right under Obama's nose. She appeals to the polar opposite demographic that Obama does. The uneducated, disenfranchised disillusioned and rabidly racist MEN out there who may not bother to vote most years but who can be relied upon to come out this year because  they have the chance to vote for a hot pistol packin' mama who will tell that black man where he can put his ambitions.

    She is the redneck's wet dream. Palin is not all about appealing to women. She is all about arousing the passions and the imaginations of men who do not usually vote.

    And she has used this ability of hers to her own ends very successfully before.You watch out for that woman.

    She is the Princess of Effing Darkness. And she could be Obama's nemesis.

  13. McCain and Palin is my vote!  

    Everyone is entitled to their views and I see nothing wrong in her views.  At least she is a natural born U.S. Citizen!  According to the USNA Alumnus, Obama doesn't qualify being a U.S. Citizen according to the U.S. constitution.

    She is a working woman, a working mom, and is currently serving as a polictical leader in her state.  She wouldn't be in her political position if she didn't know what she was doing.  

    I am with Palin with drilling oil in our own country.  Its about time we relied on our own sources and look out for the american people for once.

    Whats wrong with teaching about creation in school?  All these people trying to get God out of our country is the ones who need to go, God created human life and human life is what has gotten us this far and in today's world, kids today need to be reminded who created them and needs to be taught respect instead of expecting everything to be handed over to them without working for what they get.  Maybe if you'd read the bible, you'd learn about creation.

    Obama is a joke!  he has no respect for this country.  I am a Disabled Veteran who served my country for 10 years and when Obama can't even put his hand over his heart during the pledge of Allegence or during our National Anthem, that really shows me how much respect he has for this country which is ZERO!

    If Obama gets in office, WWIII will be started because he will be the one to turn us over to the terrorist because he has no respect.

  14. You could point a gun to my head and I wouldn't support Obama!  

  15. I was undecided, but her selection has made up my mind to vote for Obama/Biden. Even though that ticket is too liberal for me, it beats the rigid Ideology espoused by Palin that we have suffered under for the past 8 years.

    If McCain had kept to his principles and selected someone moderate, I would would be supporting him.

  16. With two broken legs and a smile on my face. gov. palin true colors are really beginning to come out. the incident w/ her brother -in-law; if he threat her father 3 yr ago and she heard him, why wait 3 yrs. if it was me, and my father he threaten, i wouldn't have waited three minute. that goes for the incident w/ her nephew being tasered...or she really did use the power of her office for a little 'getting even'.then to stand up on stage and say she will be an advocate for children with special need when she cut special education in alaska by 62%.. She's nothing but a hypocritical phony.That town she was a mayor of, when she became mayor, the town was debt free; when she left office, the town was 21 million dollars in the whole;and she raised  their taxes 2% to 2.5%. She had the audacity to look america in the eye and mock, talk down to and belittle another human being for contributing to his community  especially w/ her children there. and don't get me start get me start on that bridge to nowhere. no i can understand why john maccain choose her; in case he die in office he want her to finish off america where he and geoge bush left off. if it when it comes down to it, i would rather take my chances with obama"lack of experiences" then maccain-palin "experience" any day of the week, combined.

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