
McCain tried to commit suicide twice, do we really need suicidal and mentally incompetent president?

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  1. McCain is indeed suicidal, senile, brain damaged, mentally incompetent individual who belongs in a nut house instead of the White House. Why some Americans still like this person.

  2. no we dont need a presindent that will kill himself if he dose then he might kill us

  3. There is absolutely many things are wrong with McCain's mental state. Why in the world Republicans choose this mentally disabled person to be their candidate.

  4. How anyone could read those articles and come away with anything less than sympathy is beyond me.  Here is a man who fought for his country and suffered far more terrible things than you could ever imagine.

    Disliking the man's politics is one thing, but making light of such a terrible experience is inappropriate.

    RLP, I'm not suggesting McCain deserves a vote for reasons of sympathy.  I'm saying he suffered through situations more severe than any of us can probably imagine and to use the short-term (I say short-term because, correct me if I'm wrong, he hasn't been standing on the ledge of Capitol threatening jump in the past 30 years) after effects of such horrific torture to disqualify him from the presidency is asinine.  He should be elected or rejected based on his politics.  

    I'm guessing you're an Obama supporter and while my mind is far from made up, every question I see like this one pushes me in the opposite direction of the asker.  You and your fellow Obama supporters would be far better served explaining while you feel Obama's policies are superior.  If you're wondering, I feel the same way about McCain supporters.

  5. i think his past personal life shouldn't have anything to do with the election.

    it's called intensive therapy and anti-depressants.

    i still don't like his stances on things, though.

  6. If this is really true,  "GOD bless American"

  7. Listen, I'm a liberal and by no means backing McCain but, none of us can begin to imagine what he went through. I'm also a Viet Nam veteran and can tell you that anyone who has ever been in combat has ptsd, and we have had combat veterans for presidents before, including JFK. Campaign against him, that's fine, but be respectful.

  8. no we don't

    it is hard to 'cure' someone with mental illness

    there is too much at stake

  9. I just want to know why his left cheek is a lot puffier than his right cheek.

  10. McCain has been tested.  By your standard, he apparently failed.  Obama has not been tested.  What grade does this entitle him to?

    Obama thought the DC gun ban was Constitutional, then expressed no real surprise when the USSC threw it out.  

    That's one example of many that illustrates that Obama's view of the Constitution (like many Constitutional Law professors) is that the Constitution says whatever the USSC decides it says.  It's an abdication of one's own rational thought processes on the very document that defines, creates, and authorizes the federal government.  It only has one meaning, and isn't a matter of opinion, it is what it is.

    Your criticism is that McCain has suffered significant mental pain in the past. Your alternative is someone who has decided not to think at all.  

  11. i'm no great fan of john mccain, but, as a psychologist, i can understand why a person might want to kill themselves while they have been in a concentration camp run by north vietnam.  even after war, probably at least half of our soldiers return with post-traumatic stress disorder - many can't hold jobs, live on the streets, intermittently are prescribed medications, try to hurt themselves, and push the boundaries of the law.  it's horrible for them and i wish our military at a "return to society" bootcamp to help folks return to normal.  so, i think two suicide attempts from long ago given those circumstances he'd been in, would certainly be understandable.  now, if you asked me how logical it is that someone tortured for 5.5 years would agree with the bush administration to torture our captives, i think that that position isn't logical.  now, is he mentally incompetent?  well, he drank a lot in his younger years, something which often leads to decreased cognitive functioning in later years.  he doesn't seem to remember things as well as others, even himself years ago.  he doesn't seem to have the judgment capacity that he used to have.  yes, i suspect that he possesses problems that impair his cognitive functioning to an extent that the effecicacy of his presidency would be impaired.  

  12. once a drunk always a drunk!!

    yes he could try again especially if his wife get back on his pain pills!!

  13. I tell you what lets put you in a situation where you are in absolute pain , so much the starving beaten people around you wont think you will live a week. Then we can rope and beat you every two hours. for a few years, if you can do that without the thought of killing yourself going threw your head then you can come back and say I survived it , I didn't want to die . And Maybe just maybe we will believe you. Not on McCain's behalf personally but the torture of anyone who fought for this country and sacrificed for your freedom should be allotted some freedoms themselves don't you think ?  

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