
McCain vs Obama, who are you going to pick?? ?

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McCain vs Obama, who are you going to pick?? ?




  1. Obama.

  2. McCain

  3. Undecided

  4. Obama

  5. McCain.

    I'd rather not have my taxes raised for people who won't get off their *** and work.

    I'd rather have someone with experience.  

  6. Obama. He's a breath of fresh air

  7. McCain.

  8. Obama

  9. Obama because the country needs new fresh energetic leadership, not an old tired confused man with a bad temper who will probably die in office because his cancers will come back and then this Assemblies of God nut case would be president and start a nuclear war so Jesus would come back.

  10. The Honorable McCain!! and his experienced running mate: Sarah Palin !!  I am headed to my local Republican National Committee Office and "Stand up" and be heard !!  After four years...Sarah will be the President of the United States of America!!  The Democrats thought bringing this woman on the ticket would be a comparison to a Hillary Clinton...My dear Democrats...she is NO HILLARY CLINTON!!

    URAH !!

  11. Biden

  12. Obama, but I'm sure I didn't shock any of you!

  13. OBAMA!!!

  14. I don't want 4 years of Crazy McSame, so the obvious choice is OBAMA/BIDEN '08.

  15. Obama, but I doubt a poll here would matter anyway since most of the people here are ex cons that can't vote.

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