
McCain vs Obama Debates?

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Who do you will win?

I know everyone going to hate on me, but honestly what is Obama going to say Change, Hope, Moving Forward.

I Think McCain will question him about all of this finally shutting up Obama




  1. obam's going to win. everyone knows that.  

  2. mccain is so gonna win. I'm pro obama ONLY for making abortion leagal, but mccain is so gonna win. mccain is gonna lower taxes, create more nuclear plants, he's gonna do so much more than obama. mccain was in veitnam war and was held captive with episodes of torture for gods sake and obama doesnt have a chance against him at all and i hear that a lot of people sayt that palin shouldnt be VP because she can't even handle her own family, that's not true. itts not her fault her daughter got pregnant and her husband can take care of her child who has down syndrome. she's gonna make a great VP and mccain will make a great president

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