
McCain vs. Obama....?

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Just curious....who are you voting/would you vote for? McCain or Obama? Obama all the way!!! :)




  1. Obama!

  2. McCain!!!

  3. NO WAY! GO MCCAIN!!!!

  4. was going to vote for ron paul but i guess i have to vote for mccain.  

  5. I am for McCain, :) :) Yay McCain!

  6. McCain Obama will send the country straight to h**l  

  7. none. Actually though I do like one better then the other.

  8. McCain all the way

  9. McCain!!!****

  10. Obama

  11. GOBAMA!  Enough corruption, war, economic h**l, etc.  Do we really want/need four more years of the same s*it?  I don't think so.


  13. OBAMA/BIDEN '08!

  14. John McCain.

  15. I would take Palin over Obama

  16. mccain has only sent one email in his life so definatly obama... Obama is a good speakers, good speakers tend to rule great and strong nations. Naming a few good speakers roosevelt, Kennedy,  and hitler. Hitler only because he turned a country around from the deepest form of depression to almost taking over the world.

  17. McCain definitley.

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  18. McCain all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!    NObama I am not into the idea of a mini dictatorship.

  19. Obama. In a fight in between both of them, McCain would break a hip.

  20. It's undeniable the last eight years have really hurt this country. It's time to get away from the ideals that put us in the situation were in now.

    And yes, he dose bring  hope that our country could be restored to the greatness it should be.

    Obama all the way!!!!!!

  21. obama of course  hasnt this country suffered enough. republicans offer more 9/11,  more eron, more worldcom, more iraq, more katrina, more preditory lending, more home forclosures, the only thing thats less is the strength of the dollar  

  22. McCain/Palin all the way!!  Obama's nothing but a total socialist/Marxist with no experience at all.  He'll surely ruin this country if elected.   Those that voted for him will quickly regret it, no doubt!   His speeches about 'change' are nothing more than empty words; hasn't said WHAT change(s) he's going to make and that bothers me a great deal!  I believe he's going to wait and see if he's elected and, if he is, THAT'S when he'll reveal his 'changes' - and I can guarantee they're not for the good of this country!!

  23. well if one is to base their decision off of which candidate can use the phrase "hardworking americans" most in their speeches...obama is definitely your guy....

    otherwise id vote mccain
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