
McCain was a POW in 1967-1973 (?). Why they are still saying it in 2008? I think that's ridiculous?!?

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McCain was a POW in 1967-1973 (?). Why they are still saying it in 2008? I think that's ridiculous?!?




  1. Well, gee, maybe because he still feels the effects of it, like walking with a limp, and having limited use of his arm.  

  2. It is ridiculous.

    all he says is blah blah blah oh i was locked up in a room and tortured. i lived through it c**p blah blah blah pow pow pow.

  3. It defines who he is.  Why does Obama talk about his CHILDHOOD?

  4. obama's dad left him when he was 2 because he had 5 other children.  Only saw him once after that.  I am tired of hearing that pitiful story.  

  5. Diamond;

    I don't know your age, but the Vietnam War is something of substance in our American history.

    Many people lost a father, a brother, an Uncle, a sister, a grandfather in this war.

    That McCain survived the worse situation that an American solider could be in, Kudos to him.

    If something that happened in the 60's isn't important, why are so many worried about a black (mixed) President? A woman vice President?

    Check out history, then post a question.

  6. Yeah, I know. Like, why do you talk about a major event in your life, even though it may have happened many years ago. Because it was a defining moment in your life, as in, it helped to define the person you have become. Now do you understand?

    Just a thought, not really having to do with McCain, but relevant at some level nevertheless-the Second world War ended more than 60 years ago, and the concentration camps were shut down, and survivors freed. More than 8 million people died in those camps, and, incidentally, during that war, more than 27 million Russian soldiers gave their lives, far more than soldiers from any other country. Following that war, but still an eternity ago from your point of view, I would surmise, Joseph Stalin set about systematically slaughtering more than 40 million of his fellow citizens, including 7 million or so Ukrainians who were deliberately starved to death. Is it ridiculous to remember events such as those I have outlined here, simply because they happened long ago? Of course not. And neither is it ridiculous for a person to remember, and speak of, the defining moment, or in McCain's case, the defining YEARS of his life.

    Just my opinion, thanks.

  7. I think you are ridiculous.  If someone is (or has been, in the past) fighting on behalf of their country, then they should be proud and talk about it until the day they die.

  8. Because life experiences, especially critical ones like this, are the best mirror into a person's heart and soul.  What mirror do we have of Obama?  Who has come out from Obama's past to say, this is a man we can trust to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution?

  9. What else does McCain really have to talk about ? I agree with you it's getting ridiculous from the stand point, there were other POWs. They didn't get the great medical treatment McCain had, that's why they aren't here to talk about their times as a POW.  

  10. Because it was a life changing experience that helped shape him into the man he is?

    Why does Obama talk about his past?  I think he is ridiculous.

  11. Obama did drugs in his youth and he's still talking about it. I think that's ridiculous?!

  12. Because he Fought for the Country that allows you to sit in your air conditioned home and ask such ridiculous question without the fear of terrorists knocking on your door. Because he sacrificed precious years with his own family to protect yours, because when faced with the decision to take an early release or stay a POW and continue with the grueling torture he did the honorable thing because He loves His Country and would sacrifice Anything to protect It. People are talking about it because it Matters!!!!! It matters to me what the Character of the Man who will be President Is, and it should matter to you as well.  While Obama was studying the Quran and watching cartoons, McCain was Fighting for the Country that he Now Fights to Represent

  13. So people know that he has military experience.

    Why do you care? do you think it will draw him votes?

  14. Because it is the one anwser for every question . I am going down to the VFW to pick the next President .  How do you feel about the housing market ? Did I tell you I was A POW .  What about the economy ? When I was a POW I didn't have money . Do You like surrounding your self with models ?  Uh UH

  15. Because it is an important part of who he is as a person. It shaped the way he views America and the devotion he has to it/us.

    Why do people still quote Dr. King? Is that ridiculous too? I don't think so.

  16. he says it to show the sacrifice he made on behalf of america and it was six years of his life. obama speaks to his community organizing and how long ago was that? non-issue.

  17. I think it matters. I think serving your country is a very honorable thing to do.

    "So I think it made me appreciate more what I've spent my life doing, and that's serving my country, and putting my country first. In the prison camps of North Vietnam, there weren't Republicans or Democrats, there were just patriots."

  18. according to the Vietnam vets against McCain

    he has done mORE to harm vets than help them


    by his OWN admission

    McCain collaborated with the enemy

    I'd hve to say he was a survivor NOT a hero

  19. It is a tendency in the media, I guess.

    If you pay attention you'll notice they call Bill Clinton  "President Clinton"

  20. What I don't understand is that McCain's war record is untouchable, but in 2004 Republican's trashed John Kerry's war record.

  21. Like, listen, honey. OMG just because your PARENTS weren't born yet doesn't mean it isn't important. I'm no McCain fan, but if you ever went through anything like that, you'd remember how it shaped your life. But, like, I can see how that would be irrelevant to you with all the hype about the Jonas brothers, and Hannah Montana to worry about.

    Geez, I'm even supporting Obama and I get that much.

    Because of people in our military, little self-absorbed bimbettes can still go to the mall without fear.

    Like, OMG.

  22. gotta milk it for all that its worth!!!

    I say again-


  23. like obama was a community organizer and there is no evidence of these well organized communities he was supposed to have organized yet he still puts it on his resume hmmm...........  

  24. • I fell bad for John McCain and I see him as a very bitter angry old man that will start WW3. Did I hear him say he wants to cut off funding from the Russians?

    I am afraid WW3 is inevitable very shortly after John McCains inaguration day...

    Good thing Sarah Palin can lead us all in a prayer.

    I know the right wing nutbag Evangelical agenda. They think this is a war lead by God.

  25. I agree - I'm a lot more interested in what he has done since he was a POW, not while he was a POW.

  26. It is his life story. To talk about it repeatedly and not mention any plans for this country is a bit over the top though. I understand why he does it, because it helps connect him with voters but I would like to know a little bit more of his policies if elected. It was a shame to hear the same old song and dance at the RNC this week even though McCain had been claiming that his campaign would be different.  

  27. Have you been a POW?  How can you understand what that meant to our country and to him personally?

    Anyone's service to our country at any time is amazing.  ANY TIME.  It's service above and beyond what the average citizen is willing to give.  What have you done for your country?

  28. Because, a la Giuliani, for McCain a sentence only has three parts; a noun a verb and POW!

    McCain just figures that if we're told 10,000 times that he was a POW that we'll feel pity for him and make him president.  What's particularly twisted about his line of thought is that he clearly thinks that he DESERVES to be president, as if his stint as a POW EARNED him the right to be president.

  29. Because that was his background,.. experience, character, honor and integrity.

    Unfortunately, Obama DOESN'T have any of those.

  30. Because it is part of what he is and what has made him believe what he believes in today.  I would be interested to know your age and why you feel that things that have gone thru in your life have not molded your character to this point in your life.  

  31. Because you little diamond dust don't know what it is to serve your country!  You would not be enjoying what you have today without men like John McCain. Did you ever study history or just what hollywood puts in movies? Your father or grandfather most likely served this country, don't you appreciate what they have done? I don't care how long ago...  

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