
McCain was right about the surge, Ramadi had a great day today, good for them! ?

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Now.......feel free to stamp all over them and their progress Obamabots.




  1. Obviously, they'll stick to pounding on the pregnant Palin (no pun intended) because the Iraq issue is way off the charts.

  2. God bless America and Americans.  Even liberals.  However they are very misinformed.  And fat.

  3. I'm a lean and mean Obamabot as you call them.

    Yes, if you mean the turnover of al Anbar province to the Iraqis, that is a very good day. This work is typical of Marines, work with the locals. Peter Pace was advocating this type of involvement when he was head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.  

  4. McCain blew it on the need to stay for an extended term -- Iraq has said we'll be out by 2011.  He also blew it on losing focus on UBL and the need to send 12,000 to 16,000 additional troops to Afghanistan.  Both of these were accurately predicted by Senator Obama as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs has stated that we need those additional troops in Afghanistan.

    You can fuss all you want about the "surge" but there is no way to know how something that we didn't do would have panned out.  And McCain is so confused on the timeline for the surge that it just isn't funny.

    We certainly owe Senator McCain a hail and hearty thanks and the deepest respect for his service to the country.  We do NOT owe him the presidency for that however.  He has proven time and again that he is out of touch with not only the current military situation in Iraq and Afghanistan but with the typical working class American as well.  His choosing a political unknown as a running mate violates the first rule of politics:  No Surprises!  This just further shows his current lack of judgment and his lack of fitness for the position of Commander in Chief.

    OK, that enough "stamping" for you?  I can offer a lot more if you wish.

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