
McCain whoops Obama - No Contest?

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Is there any doubt left that Obama is an empty suit? McCain just whooped the snot out of Obama in the Saddleback debate. McCain whooped Obama so bad that even the lefties on MSNBC all said that Obama sucked. When MSNBC gives the win to McCain, you KNOW McCain is riding high.

McCain WILL be the next president. The covers are finally pulled on Obama, who the leftist media has been covering up for. Is there any doubt now?




  1. Obama is a talking head, an empty suit and a lousy coward who would run and hide if Russia attacked Poland.

  2. If Obama loses then we'll have another puppet in government.

    Exxon McCain 2008!!!!

  3. NO! MCCAIN WILL NOT WIN! Obama won the Democratic Presidential Election and whooped CLINTON! McCain is the one who sucks! EUGH. If McCain wins, (Highly Doubt it), then i swear I'll move to Mexico, or Canada... Somewhere where it is not run by a meathead!  

  4. I'd very much like to see Obama not win, But don't count your chickens---------! The media will come up with some other way to make him a hero. Do you doubt it. Watch, they want him to be president at any cost, even to ruin our country. It doesn't matter how good McCain faired in the debate. I don't mean to bust your bubble, but watch the media will get him out of this pickle with some lame excuse.

    And Obama is just not qualified to be commander and chief of this country, nor has he given us any reason to believe he is qualified. He's someone to be leery of. You think this country is bad now, wait and see the distruction he'll cause when he  and if he gets in. We are in big trouble, and these American people who back him don't even realize it.

    God Bless the USA and mercy on us.

    Edit: Jimbo, Pelosie the speaker of the house had everyone go on vacation and avoided the fuel package to start drilling to relieve our gas shortage. She and most of the house are democrats, who don't give a hoot about our gas problems because we pay for their cars and their fuel did you known that!! And they do not have small economic vehicals either. And they write it off as an expense to boot.

  5. If McWar wins, we will have a nuclear exchange with Russia.

  6. McCain or Obama it makes no difference everyone in here is so low on the food chain we wont know any difference in our daily life.

  7. Dream big.

  8. I can't believe there are all these O'Bama brainwashed posers out there.why don't they spend their time watching msnbc .can you say sheep.bah bah bah.

  9. Dream on, my friend... -Dream on...  :)

  10. Think twice use force effectively were necessary Obama

    Currant George Bush in mental ability style and fundamental moral positions. Regrettably it wins elections but governs like Ceaser. Can we weather four more years.  

  11. No doubt, McCain is the better man.  It was too obvious, but there are those who don't care - they don't want to be confused with facts.

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