
McCanns: 'Tapas 7' Lible Bonanza ?

by Guest64005  |  earlier

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Now that Kate & Gerry McCann and Robert Murat have received bumper £100,000's pay outs from the tabloids, can we expect the infamous 'Tapas 7' (Matthew Oldfield, Rachel Oldfield, Russell O'Brien, Jane Tanner, David Payne, Fiona Payne and Diane Webster) to follow suit ?





  1. Me thinks the Mc canns and their friends are going to visit the well once to often. Papers only hate one thing more than another paper, having to give money away. Sooner or later a paper is going to take them to court and battle this outone way or the other. That is when this case will start to unravel.

  2. no.

  3. Isnt it an appauling day for Justice.?

    When these self confessed serial child neglectors can get away with their appauling behaviour, and of course the cover up and disposal of Madeleine's body.

    Why can they do this? Who knows the exact mechanism but money can buy influence.

    The most appauling thing though is this. They could never have done this but for the support of people like Michael W.

    Whether he is as truely imbecilic as he appears or whether he just pretends to be that stupid is not clear, but what is clear are his bullying intimidating tactics.

    This behaviour of course is typical of the McCann thug mentality.

    To those of you who support the two most selfish wicked amoral slime balls I have ever experienced I have nothing but contempt for you. You have allowed them to get away with killing their own child.

    May your nightmares haunt you .

    Sue me you scumbags.

  4. David Payne has particular reason to seek money for libel after the latest stuff from  the Portugal papers.

  5. It will be a case of "wait and see". I reckon the real motives of the McCanns and the Tapas 7 will be exposed if the Portuguese authorities' decision leads to a rash of libel actions, rather than a renewed focus on searching for Madeleine.

    Headline news today (July 22nd).......the real reason why the McCanns want access to the police files is not to obtain new leads in their hunt for Madeleine but to obtain evidence so that they can take legal action against the Portuguese authorities for wrongly making them suspects in their daughter Madeleine's disappearance. So it's all about making money yet again.

  6. All this has been a money making scam

    Poor little Maddy was accidentally  killed and it only took half an hour to come up with their story, between the tapas 9

    Anyone who does not know what i am on about read up a little more

  7. yes, this is only part of the scam. Expect more money grabbing acts by the McScums and co

  8. I'm waiting for Murat to bring action against them. That would throw the cat amongst the pigeons.

  9. Of course not - Their statements have been shown publicly to be at odds with each other and some aspects completely impossible!!

    But they pale into insignificance to the McCanns refusal to answer police questions or take part in a reconstruction - surely they are the only parents in the world ever to do so!!!!!

  10. The tabloids should be more careful what they print,they obviously told a few porkies.

  11. yea keep watching you back 17pdr it could be your turn next. Serial child killers ? Now that really is a very slanderous statement don't you agree.?

  12. yawn...

    Isn't the McCann case over yet?

  13. Oh deary deary me, don't print lies and you won't get sued.....isn't that a simple concept............don't worry for yourself though you are not important. the McCanns and their lawyers are well aware of sad little men lurking on websites.  

    Not pro McCann i never have been but most people have been forced to defend them due to your infantile questions (backed up by many insulting and even more juvenile answerer's).  Maybe you work for the McCanns and this has been a remarkable piece of reverse psychology, but i doubt it!

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