
McCanns - Breaking News - Now to appear on Oprah for £500,000?

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Your views please??

yes I know its only the Star, but NO paper would DARE print lies about the McScams now!!!

What do you think of this latest money making idea from team McCann?

And before you answer Mr MW (you know who you are!!)

Why go on the USA's biggest talk show to try to find Maddy, when the whole of the western world know about her!!




  1. That won't stop the Star from printing a bit of fantasy!

    I can't see any problem with it at all, they're about to be cleared of involvement in her disappearance and the money will go into the fund to find out what happened to Madeleine.

    The police are about to close the file, so nobody else will look for her.

  2. Poor Madeleine. The amount of money that little girl has earned everybody.

    That poor little mite!!!!!!

  3. What a cheap nasty pair they are.  Perhaps it will be Jeremy Kyle show next, I've heard that he interviews lowlife intent on publicity.

  4. How sickening. Is there anything these two won't do for money! I wonder who they expect to actually find the poor child? How clever and devious, keep up the 'lost child' charade and play on the gullible to steal their cash.......... I thought this was apt- "cosy chat with Kate and Gerry"!!

    I hope the truth about that fateful day comes and haunts them when they least expect... They are two of the most contemptible people I have ever been forced to know.........

  5. Well, "Clarence the cross-eyed spin-doctor" has admitted that the McCanns have been approached by a number of talk shows but they cannot participate unless their "arguido" status is removed by the Portuguese authorities. By all accounts, that isn't likely to happen.

  6. when will they ever stop with the pretense that they need the money to find Maddie?!

    wouldn't be surprised if they somehow manage to afford a nice new car, or a nice new house after their cheque from Oprah....

  7. I thought they couldn`t do these shows/books until the Arguido status was dropped. I must be wrong, or are they assuming they will be off the hook? I suppose they must get in quick before everything comes out about the case, soon.

  8. and there was i feeling sorry for the poor darlings, too tired to appear at the court the other day

  9. This is breaking news?  Good grief.

    I'm afraid I find it hard to be disgusted - even that little man, the actor who was formerly married to Nicole Kidman - even he went on Oprah's show without condemnation.

  10. anything that can be done to promote awareness of missing/abducted children is a good thing. and anyone that is prepared to go on the oprah show is very brave deserves that sort of money . so well done to the mccanns.

  11. Because they are pissed that just as she was about to break the european hide and seek record some Austrian beat her by 21 years

  12. I would sell my soul to the devil for money that would help find my child.

    Sod what everyone else thought of me, my child would be the priority, not good press.

  13. I think they are beyond reproach now, if they had a shred of self respect and dignity they have certainly lost it now.

  14. I wonder why they haven't even tried the psychic route. Surely if they would give it a try! Psychics are known to have solved many many crimes.

  15. And why do they need money to find her?  It seems to me that money is their God, if it was my child they could take every penny I had and the clothes of my back to bring her back, no amount of money will bring her back.  This is terrible but if people stopped buying the newspapers and mags with them in and not turning on the tv to watch them then the interest would soon dwindle, It is the public who keep them in the news by talking and watching them.  Don't they make enough money from their jobs and what aout the other two children, they are never mentioned. I feel very sorry for them.

  16. So disgusting; of course they have to pump up the fund, they robbed it to pay off their mortgage. Such hypocrites.  Appalling people and appalling stupidity.

  17. Wow those birds are cracking.

    Thanks for the link!!

  18. Not surprised.  They've been climbing the walls for ages trying to get their arguido status lifted, because, then they can write their book, publish their diaries, earn millions from chat shows and personal appearances and jet all over the world.  AND get to meet lots more celebrities.  Seems they have a taste for it now.

    Just hope they remember to mention their daughter occasionally.

  19. McCanns were ripped off. Still it will pay for Maddie stay at the portuguese convent.

  20. As soon as I read the question I guessed it was Paul C or Dave S   Yes I do know who I am !!!  IF this is true , and as you say the Star is not a very reliable source,  , if your child was missing would you pass up an opportunity to swell your funds which may help to find her. I know for sure I would take up the offer.If it were my child I would go to h**l and back yes and even the Oprah show. Perhaps you would rather give up on finding Maddie and just assume that she was dead ?

  21. Really sorry for Maddy, not sorry for the abondoners, yes more money for the pot I can only think that they must feel very guilty about profiting at the expense of their daughter.

    There is no justice in this world.

  22. I don't have a problem with them continuing to work towards finding their child by whatever means they can. And if that means going on Oprah and earning money to carry on the search - so be it. I doubt the decision was taken lightly.

    And to whoever was saying 'I'd sell my house and the clothes of my back to find my child' please try to remember that there are two other children involved who need the stability of a home and a life that is as normal as it can be with a hole in the middle of it.

  23. I'm not the least bit surprised.  Everything is about money.

  24. Thats good news for their Madeleine. Why are you so upset about it?

    To answer your Q, the McCanns haven't gone on the US's biggest talk show merely to increase coverage about their Madeleine..., an objective mind would see clearly that they are doing their best to keep awareness of her still being missing high & of course any funds that accrue from it would be very welcome considering they have no clue for long they will be searching for her.

    They haven't given up on her as you obviously have.

  25. Yes Paul they have lost all credibility. and at the risk of a vio how is that gorgeous baby of yours ?

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