
McCanns.Can you imagine yourself in their holiday flat?

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You are frantic with worry since you misplaced one of your little children, due to going out with friends & neglecting them, A LOT.

Now the dogs are brought in to try to get to the bottom of the mystery.

You are told on good authority that the dogs found various clues which lead them to seriously believe your child died in that apartment.

Would you freak out, scream & worry for your baby & what could have happened in your absence?

OR would you try to discredit the dogs & the people that gave you the information, because you knew what had happened?

Please give me your thoughts.




  1. I would freak out, scream & worry for my baby & what could have happened in my absence.

    If I was in tthe McCanns's shoes and was being  accused of foul play and of taking part in the disappearance/death of my baby.... I would kick up such a fuss, so loud... they would hear me on Mars...  I would call a conference or two and make my thoughts known to the press and to the world.

  2. No the form seems to be to change your spin doctor,hire four powerful lawyers and hotfoot it out of the country.

  3. how do you "misplace" a child?lol

    I'm actually going on  holidays to that resort this  be interesting. I'll try to not misplace my friend while I'm there....I'll simply take her with me when I go out for wine and tapas.

  4. Well you are totally right that they neglected those poor children. How selfish of them, they would rather go out to dinner with friends than to watch after their children. How pathetic. I feel that they are trying to discredit the dogs and the authorities because they know the truth. I think that them wanting to go out they gave Maddie sleeping medicine which isn't meant for 4 year olds and she over dosed. They freaked out and somehow disposed of the body and created their story to cover up. I do not feel sorry for the McCanns. I do feel sorry for little Maddie. I think that whether she did die in that apartment or was truly kidnapped it was the parent's fault either way. I wish they would have been charged with child neglect like Casey Anthony. They are irresponsible parents and don't deserve their other children to continue to be with them.  Whatever happened to that baby I hope she's in peace now where ever she may be.  

  5. Do you sit up all night thinking of yet another ill thought out McCann question, based on half truths and lies printed in the Daily Express etc?

  6. What a pity those dogs can't talk, but their actions speak louder than words. The Mc's will be found out and all their efforts will be in vain and what will become of Mitchell.  

  7. Not sure if I will get slated for this but I always thought that they wanted to have a good night out and gave the wee girl too many sedatives and came home to find that she was too far gone to be saved!! Hence, they panicked and done something silly(shoved her into the ocean) then came up with the kidnapping story!! Shame on them if that's what happenned. We will probably never get the real story and it may be unfair to blame them withouth any real evidence..  

  8. You would have thought the first thought would be of terror and then guilt and shame for leaving the most precious things in life; 'children' in a vulnerable  situation in the first place! And since gerry has incredibly claimed there is no evidence to suggest Madeleine was harmed in any way? I guess cadaver and  team Mc's push on paedophiles would suggest everything is fine then???? They know all right but keep on with the sick charade but they can't keep it hidden for ever because the truth will out, it's just a matter of time...

    Edit: pin ball you are either a McCann or a complete imbecile and I agree with the others and hope to God you don’t have kids. Do your self a favour and get educated.

    Edit: michael w, The dogs are trained to find the scent of death and blood of humans only, so the fact that many people had been in and out as you say proves how brilliant they are and it was only items and areas where the McCann's had been! strange that? Dogs are not fooled by dirty people and their dirty habits as the Mc's had hoped for, so check out the facts before you call people idiots, as no one else has been recorded as dying in that apartment and no amount of cleaning it seems will fool the excellent nose of the dog...

  9. erm yep I am with you, along with the enormous guilt i would be feeling, i would S**t myself if all along I was trying to keep hopeful that my daughter was alive, if they discovered 'various' clues that indicate her death, i would defo freak out and as awful as it is I would accept her death.. I would also of wanted my other children drugs tested if  I had been in the McCanns shoes, as I would want to know if anyone had tried drugging them, ..i think thats pretty find out if your REMAINING kids have been drugged, I never understood why they refused that one little thing!

    pinball??? lol!! i wanna use you as your name suggests.. nope the scent of death means nothing ... and the dogs? yeah they are worth so much money ....cos they get a bit confused as to dirty nappies and a bit of rotten dead cow (dirty sod's the mcs eh?) ....i don't think so.. as Paul C says i hope to God you don't have kids..

  10. I would hate to imagine myself in their holiday flat, or indeed any where else they have been.

  11. PMSL, Proper Gander.

    I don't think that's very fair. People react to tragedy in different ways. Not everyone gets hysterical.  

  12. Impossible to answer you vague question as I have never found myself in that position.  As I am not very good at talking to fictitious dogs so I could hardly even try to discredit them. By the way you "forgot" to mention in your little tale that 11 people had rented the apartment before the dogs were even brought in or perhaps that's not part of your story. . Penny as you will see I have decided to continue my crusade. Sorry.

    Penny as your question was a fictitious one "can you imagine yourself in their holiday flat" The  dogs must also be fictitious right ? I did explain that 11 people also stayed in your fictitious story so dogs would never be able to point a finger at any of them  Simple yes ?

  13. I'd think WHOO HOOO I can make a fortune out if this


    Unlike a couple we know, who seemed more interested in travelling Europe than looking after the two kids they have left

    One day the Pope will think "why did I do that????"

    Here goes MW again saying the dogs were fictitious, any thing reported to show the Mc's in a good light he will not let go, even though BRITISH scientists  confirmed what the dogs scented

    and why oh why did Kate say, when asked, If she refused to answer questions, that it could put Maddy's life at stake

    She replied No Comment

    Hardly the answer from a loving parent is it

    And to the answer below me

    pin ball - I can only pray you have no kids, ifs that's how you feel, please point us in the direction of the "foundation" that's show Kate and Gerry are innocent and they did not neglect their own kids on that tragic night

  14. Ooh that was terrible! i need to lie down, i've got a very vivid imagination..

    I should have imagined i was gerry instead of kate, that wouldn't have been half as bad..

    i imagined looking in a mirror in the apartment ad was startled by the image of a malnourished horse.

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