
McCanns: Do you feel responsible?

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Do you think those who baselessly accused the McCanns of murdering of their Madeleine feel a twinge of reponsibility & regret over this?

Or are they so arrogant as to shut their eyes & ears & hearts to the possibility that they could have been wrong.

The most poignant part of the link is this:

Yesterday she told ITN News: "I think it's stupid, because maybe they could have done something more at that time and maybe now it's too late to find any clue. So I think it's very neglectful by the police. And maybe not even the Dutch police but more the British or Portuguese police, because at that time I remember the police told me they were suspecting the parents themselves. I thought it was crazy to think that, but that's maybe why they didn't do something with it."

i do think that the police authorities were influenced a great deal by the 'media trial' that took over from the very begining.

For those who made it their daily mission to hurl vitriolic accusations & insinuations against the McCanns without any conclusive evidence, do you realise now the cost that Madeleine has paid for your arrogance???

Lesson to be learnt: When in not stoop to accuse anyone of a crime. Even the most vitriolic of the McCann accusers should have the grace to admit that they were in doubt, for never did any one of them have an iota of evidence that the McCanns murdered their Madeleine.

Lesson learnt? But at what cost...and being paid by little Madeleine.




  1. hmmm the parents would feel responsible for the dissapearance yes. i mean they cant blame it. btw i dont think they killed her but yeh they would feel guilty but thats natural, right?

    the people who hurl abuse to the parents are probs getting a kick out of bein horrible instead of opening their eyes

  2. NO i dont feel responsible at all.

    I never left Maddie & the twins all alone  night after night to go get drunk and stuff my face with food,

    the blame lies with them at the end of the day.  If they had been caring for their children in the first place then the sick f**k that took her would not of had the chance to get in the apartment and destroy the McCanns life,

    As heartbreaking as this is Maddies parents let her down in the biggest way possible, and they have got to live with that for the rest of their lifes.

    I feel for her brother & sister and how they are going to react to the whole thing when they are older,

    And in reply to Dollybird above,.............  When i go on holiday with my 4 children they are with me the wholetime, That is the idea of a family holiday. I dont stick my kids in day club or anywhere else,

    A holiday is for the whole family, we eat together we go out together, etc etc etc

    Not everyone is like the mccanns

  3. There is always doubt people have a right ot a suspision.

    But i think most people are are "anti" because of the seeming refusal of the Parents to admit any resposiblity in the loss of their daughter and their eagerness to blame and accuse any one else.

    They did themselves no favours at all.

  4. In the beginning I hoped against hope that I was wrong and then sat back to see how things developed. The way that has gone leaves me with only one conclusion. I'm a reasonable person who doesn't base his argument purely on what the media would have us believe. I look at the evidence such as it is to make my unbiased assumptions. This can be achieved simply by distancing yourself and looking back in. Having done that and looked at both sides ie the Mc Canns and the police's turn of events, I can't help but find against the Mc Canns. I can only hope that you would take time out to be as objective as me.

  5. I completely agree with Drunken Fool above me.  Well said.

  6. I do think it was disgusting the way the mcCanns where treated with no evidence, I hope as mother i never know there pain but please remember they left that little girl alone in that apartment!

    Alone with her younger brother and sister, after she had been herd crying for her parents the night before and she had asked them not to leave her alone!

    I in no way think they had anything to do with poor maddy going but you have to question the decision to go out and eat and drink with friends leaving her alone.

    I don't care if the restaurant is next door or 3 miles away, i would never leave my child and if i went out in this country and left my child at home i would have social services on my door!

    Look I'm not saying this to be mean and feel so much for those people but they do have some responsibility,  

  7. This is a missing child investigation we are talking about here, not someone who has been caught shoplifting.

    The police always and i repeat always quiz and cross examin the family of any missing child this is how they find the truth.

    The world isnt a pretty place to live at times and without tough questioning they would never find the child.Yes it not pretty at times but this is the real world we are living in.

    Sometimes we need to think with our heads instead of our hearts :)  

  8. Really Faith.

    I think you need to change the record. The one you keep repeating is wearing out

  9. they will never admit to being wrong faith. they think its ok to publicly  accuse someone of murder. and when they are proved wrong they fall back on the neglect accusation. well, i can tell them ,i know what neglect is and it isnt being tucked up in bed by loving parents and checked on every half hour. .

    i really try to ignore it all but at the end of the day i cant stand back and watch an innocent grieving couple getting  disgustingly slandered. i would love to see these vindictive hateful people taken to court and sued.

  10. faith you're fighting a losing battle mate, i've given up trying to reason with anti mccanns, because as far as they are concerned their stupid mistake cost maddie her life and so even if the parents didn't do it they will hound them until their fingers drop off. it's very big and clever to judge others on a computer, i bet half of them wouldnt dare say anything to the mccanns faces and the other half are just heartless, cruel, sad, twisted ppl who have nothing better to do than to rub their hands in glee at someone else's misery because afterall they are perfect parents themselves who would never do anything so silly. i just wonder how many of them on holiday shove or let their kids attend the kids club without knowing any of the staffs backgrounds, just leaving their kids with complete strangers and then sunning their selfish backsides ( complete irony ) ! such perfect parents eh ?

  11. I don't know how ANYONE could jump to the conclusion that the McCanns murdered Maddie. It's absolutely obvious that she, and her siblings were well cared for, and much loved.

            Yes, they made a terrible mistake that night, but having lived in Praia-Da-Luz myself, I know the resort, and know many many parents did EXACTLY the same thing, year after year. The McCanns were unlucky, but I believe Maddie was targetted, and would have been snatched anyway, whether it be from the apartment, or whilst the parents' backs were turned for a split second.

        I wonder how many parents let their children out to play in the street, and don't check on them for a while? I know I have been guilty of that in the past. look at the case of that little girl  Sarah Payne She was left on the beach with her siblings, and snatched and murdered by a pedaphile, yet HER parents are not subject to this dreadful witch-hunt, as the McCanns are.

      I believe a lot of it is jealousy, as the McCanns are affluent people, and people just love to "twist the knife" when wealthy people do wrong.

           I truly believe the truth will eventually come out, and many of the hateful people on here will be eating "humble pie" when it does.

           Many people were at fault in this terrible tragedy, and yes, the parents were in the wrong, but I'm glad I'm not in the McCanns shoes right now, as surely the guilt they must be feeling is more than adequate punishment, as if Maddie IS found, and has (as I fear) fallen into the hands of evil pedaphiles, I think I would prefer she is found dead, as 15 months of being abused by these evil people would surely leave a 5 year old child with dreadful psychological scars. God bless her!!!  

  12. Ah...So your now saying the anti's are responsible for Maddie not being reunited with the serial child neglectors? very arrogant of you.

    Remeber it was Kate alone who refused to assist the police! why? because she had things to hide.

    edit:...Ido not feel responsible.....

  13. Faith,you are too nice.You can't change the world,but aren't there more deserving people to worry about,where you live?

  14. Hi Faith yes he's back with avengence Dave s. I sincerely hope that the anti McCanns can see passed his vitriol and leave well alone.

    It must tug on everyones heart strings when they see pictures of wee Madeleine. I know it does mine and no amount of pointing the finger at the McCanns is not going help to bring her back.

    I shudder to think if Madeleine is still alive what is happening to her and I for one will be ever vigilant on the look out for her even though I live in Scotland...they say you never know.  

    In whom do we trust these days certainly not the media they have done untold damage here.

  15. the bottom line is - If the parents were at home then Maddie would never have been taken - they have to live with that. I can honestly say - hand on heart that i would NEVER leave my kids alone for any length of time and i never have  - mine are 5 and 3. I just don't understand the logic in peoples thought when they say it couldve happened to anyone??

  16. You are totally right. god the suffering of these poor people is incomparable!

    I hate the people who think  they should be imprisoned for life because they left their kids alone. Yes, they made a stupid mistake but who among us can say they havent made a single parenting mistake?

    They'd never have left them alone in a million years if they knew what would happen.

  17. Firstly the sighting was investigated and this is a quote from the link-

    “The PJ suggested that Kate came with them to check if it was Maddie but that she responded, and I quote from the case file, that she, "had other things to do," which really staggered the investigators!

    The lead was followed up. The authorities did what was necessary. And Mr Mitchell has the case file, so what is he playing at? Also, Kate said that Madeleine did not like being called Maddie and each time she would say that she wasn't called Maddie but Madeleine.”

    The only ones that should feel responsible for all of this are the ones that did not bother to take appropriate care of their children, the Mc’s themselves. But no because they are too bothered about their reputation! They are responsible no one else. Also how can you be so sure of their innocence? It is also arrogant of your self to suggest that anyone who differs from your opinion is wrong! Has it ever occurred to you that you are indeed wrong? I find it incredible when given the evidence you can still protect these people? Which are not ‘baseless accusations but facts from the ‘Official Police Report’ and self explanatory in the very behaviour and actions, or lack of them by the lousy parents! At the end of the day a heinous crime has been committed and this is due to the Mc’s blatant neglect. And you can’t stop differing opinions, as this is known as freedom of speech. So I would think twice before you accuse those who care about a missing child and consider their welfare to be paramount, as the truth always comes out in the end.

  18. The McCann's were never properly investigated and the whole affair has been a shambles.  Whatever happened the McCanns are responsible as they neglected their parental duties.  We don't know what happened to the child and it is possible that the parents were responsible especially given there has not been a sniff of any other suspect.

  19. i think it is irrelevant whether they actually killed their daughter or not because at the end of the day it was still their fault that anything happened to that little girl in the first place. Responsible parents wouldn't have left their children at the apartment when they could have easily gotten child care and they definitely wouldn't have lied about how often they checked on their children. The MaCanns are to blame for what happened t their daughter and they should be charged with neglect. So when you think about it, the McCanns are still to blame.

  20. Morning faith,

    when the parents of a child neglect the child who then goes missing then the same parents refuse to assist the Police but instead obstruct the police investigation, in my books they then lose their rights to be treated as parents  


    i also dont believe what i read in the papers either......

    Its a shame what happened, but the guilt of her will always be with the parents who left her alone.

  22. Not one iota, if anything I feel even more sure of the parents culpability......witness the spin in the media this week I suggest you look to the European reporting of the investigation, Mitchell has little influence on this, thank god, btw Faith " too nice " ? too stupid is nearer the mark, living in India ? Skipton, Isle of Man, or Rothley seem a lot liklier.Faith we share some common ground then as in " if the cap fits " spiteful ? lol ! I have no need of spite, just a willingness to question the things I see and hear which don't add up is more than enough, I'd be as well braindead than believe the lies spouted by Mitchell.Finally Faith I call a spade a spade preferable to spouting sugar coated bile which you appear to be adept at.

  23. even if they didnt kill her they are still responsible for leaving her alone with their 2 other babies.  Shame on them! God only knows where that poor little girl is and her parents are to blame! They make me sick!

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