Do you think those who baselessly accused the McCanns of murdering of their Madeleine feel a twinge of reponsibility & regret over this?
Or are they so arrogant as to shut their eyes & ears & hearts to the possibility that they could have been wrong.
The most poignant part of the link is this:
Yesterday she told ITN News: "I think it's stupid, because maybe they could have done something more at that time and maybe now it's too late to find any clue. So I think it's very neglectful by the police. And maybe not even the Dutch police but more the British or Portuguese police, because at that time I remember the police told me they were suspecting the parents themselves. I thought it was crazy to think that, but that's maybe why they didn't do something with it."
i do think that the police authorities were influenced a great deal by the 'media trial' that took over from the very begining.
For those who made it their daily mission to hurl vitriolic accusations & insinuations against the McCanns without any conclusive evidence, do you realise now the cost that Madeleine has paid for your arrogance???
Lesson to be learnt: When in not stoop to accuse anyone of a crime. Even the most vitriolic of the McCann accusers should have the grace to admit that they were in doubt, for never did any one of them have an iota of evidence that the McCanns murdered their Madeleine.
Lesson learnt? But at what cost...and being paid by little Madeleine.