

by Guest59979  |  earlier

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I have seen alot of people still talking about how the McCanns are guilty blah blah blah.

So anyone out there can you please prove that they are guilty for the disappearance of their daughter?

Now leaving the kids alone is irresponsible but it does not make them responsible for her disappearance. There is a difference.

So now those who are convinced that the McCanns are guilty stand up and speak out as you obviously know something the world doesn’t for you to be able to declare them guilty.




  1. they are guilty of NEGLECT, that NEGLECT enabled their daughter to go missing and this whole sorry saga to happen.

    by NEGLECTING ,that night ,they are guilty of causing her disappearance in as much as THEY WERE NOT THERE TO PROTECT HER!!

    they should face prosecution for NEGLECT....those people are despicable!

  2. they left them alone , they were responsible for their own children and let them down

    the abduction theory has never been proven

  3. hear hear!

  4. Well firstly it is fact that if they hadn't abandoned their children none of this would have happened. So that makes them fully responsible and therefore guilty! Plus innocent people don't need to hide under top lawyers and those in high places, refuse to answer questions and hinder the investigation at every chance. Oh my daughter has just gone missing, oh what will I do? I know I'll call sky... then tomorrow I'll either go for a nice jog or a game of tennis!!!

  5. tehy had left their kids alone a few days before the little girl went missing and madeline had woken up afrad that she was alone and had cried.

    she had asked her mum if it will happen again  mother said no.

    she left madeline alone again, this time i think the child had been sedated, which is why she did not stir when some one took her.

    someone had seen them leave the kids before and saw them leave them again and took her.

    who in their right minds would leave kids alone like that with the door open, and out of clear sight and sound.

    i hope who ever has madeline took her under the thought she wasnt loved and not as a pedophile.

    to they are guilty of leaving the kids and giving someone the chance to take her  which they did

  6. I believe they should be regarded as innocent until proven guilty, as should we all. Further, I personally don't believe they're guilty of harming Madeline. (I think if they were, there would probably be some physical evidence. That's just my opinion).

    I do believe they're guilty of gross negligence in respect to her care - but I cannot imagine a worse punishment for them than their having to live with that fact for the rest of their lives.

  7. I think it's time to leave them alone.. They lost their child, is there anything worse than that?

    I pray they find peace..

  8. Generally there are no 'pro McCanns', there are people on this site (like yourself) that agree that justice, not media hype or sad individuals lurking on websites, must prevail..........however to disagree with lurkers attracts all sorts of insults

  9. Well done!  I'm glad to see someone else speak out about this.  I complained the other day when someone was asking did they think Maddie was dead!  To my mind, that was a question in extreme bad taste, but everyone just seemed to want to speculate on the poor child's fate.  

    They wouldn't be so keen to participate in such a debate if it was a member of their own family!

    Like yourself, I'm neither for or against the McCanns.  But I believe in fairness, as you do.  It's NOT the parents I'm concerned for so much, as the other family members who were totally innocent of any abandonment or neglect.  Please spare them this.

    Well done for speaking out!

  10. This website was awash with people speculating on their guilt. The sad disappearance of a young child became the subject of endless gossip and unfounded comment based on nothing more than Newspaper stories.

    Now the newspapers have been sued and forced to withdraw their unfounded comments perhaps all the gossips on this site will learn from the fact that the Newspapers were sued for making unfounded comments in the public domain. Perhaps people on this site will now keep their UNFOUNDED opinions to themselves and leave catching and prosecuting people to the appropriate authorities.

  11. yes it does make them responsible!!! they should not have left those children in that room in a different country without even accepting the free baby sitting service. I take better care of my dog for gods sake!!

    edit: shambo, am actually right in the middle of writing an email to you (gmail account not yahoo btw).lol.

  12. Are they not guilty of abandoning their children

    in order for them to have a Good evening?

    None of us can prove they were connected to

    Madeleine's disappearance.

    We can only Pray that this beautiful little life

    is found,Alive and Well.

    Guilty of Neglect, Guilty of Putting themselves First. Guilty as Charged!

    Can You Prove Otherwise?!

  13. They are Guilty of neglect. Lets not forget they left 3 children under the age 3 alone in a foreign country so they could go get p!ssed with their friends. If they had taken their kids with them or stayed with them, Then Maddie would be at home now playing with her brother & sister, going to school and doing things that all 5 year olds do,

    As for what actually happened to Maddie well only time will tell if the whole truth ever comes out.

    And you saying that they are not responsible for her disapperance is a joke.  So if i put my kids to bed tonight and go across the road to my mates (which is nearer than the tapas bar was to the appartment)  and one of them gets abducted, it is not my fault i have no reason to worry as i would not have neglected my children,

    What a load of bullsh!t...................... i would solely be responsible as i would not have been at home with my kids looking after them as any parent should be or even arranged to get a baby sitter.

    There are other dangers other than the fact of what happened to Maddie,  she could of got up and helped herself to some food and chocked, a fire etc the list is endless,

    They had the money they should of got a babysitter or took their kids with them,  they have no one to blame but themselves for what happened on that tragic night,

  14. can you prove they are innocent???

    next question.

  15. There's a lot of nasty people around who get off on being nasty for their own entertainment or they're stupid enough to get brainwashed by lying newspapers.

  16. Some people would lynch little old ladies for witchcraft given half a chance!

  17. It's time to leave them alone. They are no longer suspects, and I don't believe they did anything wrong. If they are to be charged with neglect, then everyone who ever used the baby listening services should also be charged, as the McCanns actually checked their kids more often than the listeners would have.

    I believe Maddie was abducted by a pedaphile, and the Portugese police should be pouring their energies into sorting out their pedaphile laws, so this doesn't happen again. I actually admire the McCanns for thir dedication in the search for Maddie. They haven't given up,even though I believe, (as many do) that Maddie is long dead.

    Incidentally... Did anyone see the other woman accused of killing her missing child in Portugal, on the news tonight? I think the McCanns can thank their lucky stars they are British, as they might have ended up the same way!!

  18. I don't know if they had anything to do with Madeleine's disappearance or not and quite frankly, couldn't give a toss. However, I DO care that these two supposedly intelligent people left three children alone in an unlocked apartment while they went on the razz with their mates while suspecting that they were being watched.

  19. they should had a security guard stand outside there department then daughter wouldn't have gone missing

  20. I agree 100% with the question. Why the McCanns have been singled out for a witch hunt is quite beyond me considering there are cases far worse that this. But not a mention of these. This is neglect or are the McCanns worse ?

  21. Yes but you might as well speak to yourself - these people who want to see Kate and Gerry strung up rather than let them search for their daughter can't quite comprehend that the police, after all this time,have no evidence against the couple and therefore the justice system has had to clear them.

    Some people have spent too long on conspiracy theory websites and chat rooms - this has brainwashed those more vulnerable to suggestion.
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