
McCanns: that interview in full, live from a Tapas bar near you ?

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Does anyone know the venue of the McCanns 'we are no longer the MAIN SUSPECTS' interview, with compare Clarence 'McLiar' ?

The Vid =




  1. Oops sorry, I didn't realise this was the cretins corner.  

  2. poor Madeline she deserves much more than being a political pawn and a money making machine for them excuses who call themselves parents

    stop answering them if  your bored  or have had enough the name is in the title

    Mc canns

  3. No and if I did do you think I would tell you?What next?We would be interested in knowing the washing powder used by the McCanns?

  4. Why call some a liar when you have never even met the individual and rely on the Telegraph as your source? Would you stand in the street and accuse someone of lying or is it just easier to hide on here and make such unfounded statements.

  5. I guess it would have been an empty one, no one with any decency would want to be anywhere near those two, just thinking about it makes me want to vomit. They have might have had the 'official' status lifted but they are still suspects to most of the world and always will be until justice for Madeleine is served

  6. Mitchell makes me want to puke and those two make me cringe so I won't watch your link.

  7. no and stop with these stupid question. seriously.  

  8. oh knock it off - why don't you just take your insinuations elsewhere

  9. i can bear to watch them to be honest, so i wont be clicking on the link

  10. How obvious that this came straight from the heart, or should I say Clarence Mitchell. As a producer he's not worth a light, but when it comes to stage management he's at the top of his tree.  

  11. You just could not resist that final dig at the McCanns "we are no longer MAIN SUSPECTS" Now be a man  and admit that you were wrong something that I have been trying to tell you for a year.  Now can you tell us what lies Clarence Mitchell has told As you have called him McLiar there must be some  

  12. You want the truth? You can't HANDLE the my old mate Jack once said.

    Try having some compassion, it's a traditional human trait that you might actually like.

    Your question: Not sure if it will be at the BBC HQ or ITV.

  13. People just wanted to believe that the parents did it because it's more entertaining to them. Like a plot twist. This is real life though not a horror film. I can't believe how quick people were to blame the parents. People just like public executions like they did in the middle ages. Nothing has changed.  

  14. Accept it, you were very wrong and jealousy does not give you an acceptable motive for the poison that you have been spouting.

    You can go and find something else to report on, but you are unlikely to find one that gives you so much notoriety to fill your empty life!

  15. Step away from the computer and go take a long lie down in a darkened room.

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