
McCans: WHY would 'Tapas 9' member Rachel Oldfield refer to 'resuscitation' ?

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We read confused part of the rant by 'Tapas 9' gang member Rachel Oldfield.

According to the report in the Daily Mirror, Ms Oldfield asked '"If you take the common sense approach and look at timings and the fact they are medics and there are four other medics in the group, they would know what to do to resuscitate a child"

Up until now all members of the 'Tapas 9' have only ever referred to Madeleine being 'abducted'. So WHY would Rachel Oldfield refer to the fact that there were medics in the gang who knew how to 'resusitate' a child ?

(thanks 'Michael')





  1. I would imagine it is in response to the suggestions of many holier-than-thou Y.A. contributors that the child was (accidentally?) fatally injured by one or other of her parents!

  2. I think this is a point made against the fact that the parents may have overdosed/drugged the kids and that they should know what to do in that case.

  3. If it was in the Daily Mirror, it must be true!!

    She is saying that if, as many suggest, that the child had an accident or overdose, they were capable in resuscitating the child and there would be no body to dispose of.

  4. Was there somehing wrong with the child that the parents felt they had to get rid of her. Did the child exist in the first place ,or is this just a big hoax to get money. the longer the mystery goes on the more spectulation. Truth will out one day.

  5. you are evil....................what do you know that the police don't, these people are suffering and its not up to someone like you to victimise them,,, horrible man

  6. I am still not going to join in with the speculation but prefer to wait until ALL the facts are revealed.

  7. Good point.

  8. ????? The plot thickens.......

  9. probably because there was speculation that she had been accidentally injured, or overdosed on a sedative administered by the parents, so in order to cover it up, they said she had gone missing.  So she is refuting that by saying that if that is the case, they had trained medics and doctors in their group, so why would they need to do that, when they could have resuscitated her, or tried until help arrived.

    Just a guess, but makes sense.

  10. you are a sad twisted little fellow ain't you

  11. She's saying it to show that "Anyone with an ounce of common sense would be able to see they couldn't have done it" - you clearly lack common sense entirely or you would have given up this twisted campaign long ago.

  12. phew....this is so much to take in great is so great that i can be here conversing with a pillar of justice such as yourself.....i know this is only the tip of the ice burg, i know that you are not so shallow that this is the only case of neglect you are interested in.....i know that you and all your friends post and protest against the estimated 250 child deaths every year as a result of serious child neglect and are probably round at some 18 stone big bullies house right now demanding sir are a hero, and as always a scholar, a gentleman and a of the community

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