
McDonald's Ice Cream?

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I heard a rumor that while you are on the Atkin's Low Card Diet that you can eat McDonald's vanilla ice cream and it won't count against you. I was wondering if there is any truth to this? Supposedly is only McDonald's ice cream that is allowed? I think it's a load of c**p, but I just wanted to be sure.




  1. The cone actually has 125 calories, but if you want to, and want it carb free-ish, just don't eat the cone, or eat the cone, whatever it's low calorie.

  2. True! Enjoy..just don't eat the cone or chocolate dip.. Just the ice cream

  3. I don't know in all honesty. However I think the first person to answer is just AWFUL to put it kindly.

  4. You're right (but it still has 150 calories).

  5. i think it is true.. Yummy!!

  6. Check their nutrional guide pamphlet. Ask for it.

    Maybe get away with 1 tblspoon.

    Think proportion.
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