
McDonald's: follow-up "There was a BUG in my iced coffee"?

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So on Monday I got an iced coffee from McDonald's and it had a bug in it and I posted it on answers. Well, I emailed them and then called them after "akelly" gave me the number. This is the email reply I received today:

Thank you for taking the time to contact McDonald's to bring your concerns to our attention.

We take your comments very seriously and because we are a franchised organization, we have immediately forwarded them to the franchise owner of the restaurant you visited. We are certain that the experience you described will be fully investigated and the appropriate action taken.

Again, thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.


McDonald's Customer Response Center





  1. most of the time we don't have the time to go back and make a complaint. your letter should have been taken more seriously. you should have demanded your money back together with an apology. next  time sent a letter to the department that follows up on restaruant codes along with a photo of the bug. good luck.

  2. I would show the people the problem and demaned either a new one free or my money back. I would not email about it. There's not much they can do now

  3. You mean you didn't eat it? Ketchup always makes them taste a little better.

    Seriously.. that is why I ALWAYS check my food and drink before I leave the store.. if something is off, I tell someone (the only problem I've ever had is when they forgot to give me the sauces I requested, I asked them politely for my sauces and they felt so bad for forgetting that they gave me like 6 of each, lol). You can get free food or coupons that way sometimes.

  4. I just puked upped bit in my mouth.

  5. I am shocked that they said that. You schould go and sue the mcdonalds company where you got your iced coffee and you could end up with a lot of money.

  6. That is sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i would of went and talked to the manager right there and then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. That's why I try to avoid eating at fast food restaurant as much as possible. I don't like the fact that people who are getting paid very little wages are handling my food. No offense to anyone.

  8. Oh wow! I would've been mad too!

  9. UUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Thats nasty sue the h**l out of  them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. who cares. its just a bug.

  11. Honestly, I would have just went back to McDonalds and showed them the bug. They would have given you a new one for free. I wouldn't have made a big deal out of it.

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