
McDonald's have just launched monopoly 2008 and i was wondering if anyone has got the Mayfair Voucher?

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McDonalds have just launched monopoly 2008 and i was lucky enough to get the park lane voucher. Anybody who manages to get both the park lane voucher and Mayfair voucher will win £500,000, so i was wondering if anyone has got the Mayfair Voucher M821 and would like to split the money 50/50 £250,000 each?!?




  1. Hi...Can I throw my hat into the mix?  I have also just found a Park Lane voucher on the packaging of my fries.  How many Park Lanes and Mayfairs are in circulation?

  2. It the previous guy said...9 rare piece in each....get the rare pieces to win

    The Park Lane piece is worth sod all....if you get mayfair, buy the shop full of cartons until u get park lane, which is fairly common.

    Sorry, but Park lane is not worth 250 grand.

    The competition is totally genuine..look at the rules poster and see the prize lists. Its all detailed.

    Its clever too. lots of people just trash the pieces, so the half million probably has a fair chance of being ;put in the waste bin...

    But thats up to customers....its totally genuine.

  3. Hi there,

    Have a look on ebay, there is someone who is selling the mayfair sticker, there are 2 days left on the auction so far people of bid £235. I have park lane and I would split the winnings with someone else.

    Good luck

  4. Listen man, I really hope you win, but I've got to be honest. There's really no proof that anyone wins this scam they have every year. The best I've gotten was $20 in monopoly 1999. All the other years were just a bunch of free food pieces. They hold this fake contest to rake in all the money that we spend trying to win this thing. We all lose because we spent more on the food than the reward we get for playing. Now, if the McDonald's winner that they show after the contest every year really wins this thing, you've got to be an old lady to win. There is also no rules that stop McDonald's workers from taking fry cups home for their families. It is a known fact that McDonalds for years up until 2003, has been in the news for this contest being a fraud. When you get your baord, you will notice that after a few weeks you have 1 piece missing from every color. I'm sorry but the truth had to come out. I really want you to win though.

  5. Actually someone 10 miles from me won the 2007 One million dollar monopoly prize.

  6. It's pretty simple guys:

    There are 26 stickers in total.

    9 categories.

    17 stickers are common, easy to find.

    9, are rear.

    Take for example, the ipod spaces.

    You have to get the Whitechapel sticker and the Old Kent Road sticker.

    One of them is very common, and the other only has 250 stickers out there.

    And that's how they POTENTIALLY give away 250 ipods.

  7. I dont but good luck! I always wondered if anyone actually won those things!

  8. dude i have it!!!!!!

    but im not sharing so suck my balls mate!

  9. I was wondering the same, hence searching for it.  I have Park Lane too.  There's probably only one Mayfair, if there's only one £500k prize to give away.

    They also probably circulate lots of Park Lane ones so that people get excited and keep going back.

  10. I haven't. But if I do get it. I'll contact you



  11. i am looking for the Marlborough street one and euston any one got these and wants to share the spoils?

  12. park lane is obviously common - you can pick one up for a couple of quid on ebay.  Mayfair - I imagine they made only one!

  13. I would have thought that most people know now that they only print a limited number of the 'rear' stickers that are sought after. one for each group. Yes that means that they will only print ONE 'Mayfair" sticker, out of all the millions that they will sell via products. I'm not sure if its fraud or not, but whats to say that someone buys a drink with the 'Mayfair' sticker on it, does not realise, not intrested in playing, and throws the empty cup into a bin. I know i have thrown away empties without checking the sticker, If i won my badluck, all the suckers trying to win, will never win....

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