
McDonald Delivers?

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Okay for anyone who lived in Houston, Texas in the 1990's McDonald did deliver. If there is anyone out there that remembers this, please speak out! And if so do you have any proof? My husbands doesn't believe me. If I remember correctly it was a test run to see how they would do. By the looks of it we didn't do so good.




  1. This could have been a huge step with McDonald's, and you know someone had to write an article on it... and you can look up almost anything on the Internet these days.

    Good Luck, i hope u r right!

  2. Wow did they really deliver =O

  3. They deliver in other parts of the world.

  4. Well I wasn't born then... lol, but I do know that they still do deliver in big cities like New York from the gross documentary Super Size Me... lol

  5. I don't know about Texas, but the one near my sister in Hoboken, New Jersey delivers 24 hours.
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