
McDonalds, Wendy's, Chick-fila, Burger King, or Arbys, ? War ended? Poll?

by  |  earlier

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Ok i have a pencil in my hand and im taking tallys for each

I personally like Chick-Fila, so One tally for Chick-Fila!!!!!!!

Let the wars begin!!!!!!::




  1. I prefer Wendy's for the variety.

    The customer service at Chick-fila is great, and the food is pretty good too.

  2. mc donalds, BK!!

  3. I LOVE McDonalds, Wendy's, Chick-Fill-A, and best of alll Arby's!

  4. Burger KIng

  5. if i had to pick then chick fil a, but theyre all pretty bad for you and grosse!

  6. Chick-fil-A

  7. Arby's is by far the best thing in the world.

    Mcdonalds is next.

    I don't know why anyone is voting for Burger King.... I've never met anyone in my entire life that actually likes that place.

    Wendy's baconator is scrumcious... but Arby's is still the best.

  8. BK for burgers. Mickey D's for fries.

  9. McDonald's/Arby's.

  10. Mc Donalds and Burger King

  11. Arbys - with horsey sauce!

  12. Mc donalds of course

  13. Arbys

  14. It is so close i love chick-fila best chicken ever so chick -fila

  15. Chick Fil izz A

  16. nothing beats Mcdonalds if its variety and taste. For chicken sandwiches though, Wendy's is the best, Fila is good too.

  17. McDonalds or Burger King

  18. Don't know what you mean, but Burger King for me.

  19. I LIKE ALL [=

  20. Arbys! I don't have a Chick-Filia anywhere near my house! They are all 3 hours away or further!

  21. CHICK-FIL-AAAAAAAAA! mmmmmmmm yum.

    make mine the best answer, cause i have this face on it...

    8D.... <----- yes. that one.

  22. McDonalds...

  23. Chik-Fila is the best

  24. Wendy's

  25. ARBYS :)

  26. I like all of them, but I like McDonald's the most.

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