
McDonalds is an excellant source of happiness?

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Who else thinks that this is giving our children the wrong impression?




  1. i think its a wonderful source of weight gain and an early heart attack

  2. and an excellent source of fat

  3. But it is a source of happiness...

    eating at McDonald's does make kids happy and i see nothing wrong with it.

    Why don't people get this eating McDonald's don't make you fat!...

    eating TOO MUCH McDonald's does!!!...

    its up to parents to watch what there kids eat not McDonald's.

  4. It so is! One word to describe McD's--------------GROSS!

    Doesn't anyone notice that the people who eat their food like 2 or 3 times a week are like 300 pounds. Has anyone ever seen Super size me. If you haven't than you need to watch. After you watch you don't even want to look at McD's.

  5. I admit the dollar menu was/is a hit and probably brings in crazy money, and the double cheeseburgers, although gross if you really find out whats in them, are not bad.

    It may be a source of happiness, untill your done eating, kind of like smoking a cigerette, but instead of incurring lung problems possibly, you gain weight...

    I personaly believe mcdonalds also has an undetected/secret chemical that has addictive properties in their food.

  6. For some people, but NOT for me.

  7. i dunno it does make kids happy but all that grease yup definetly good for you... d**n clown lol

  8. Well, who isn't happy when they eat? xD

  9. it is, they just want the children to eat there food to get fat so that they always get customers to buy there stuff.

  10. mcdonalds is good but i always feel guilty when i eat it because i know how fatening and unhealthy it is.

  11. yea because they get realyy fat and not healthy

  12. yes

  13. Their food is fatty, rich in sugars and carbs and everything that the body absolutely loves. When you eat such food, your body releases endorphins that make you feel happy while eating it. Sure, the marketing is pervasive, and it's not blatantly lying. They had to choose happiness because it's not rich in anything else that is remotely marketable.

    Advertising is manufactured to make people think something, but if children think that mcdonalds=happiness, then there is some happiness that those children need to get ahold that is more than food. You'd be surprised what goes on in advertising for children these days, and what marketing companies think up to sell their product and get their paycheck.

    Like anything, you have to teach your children what happiness is and what can really give you joy, not just quick fixes of trglycerides and calories.

  14. Definitely. Obesity is increasing in America, and with the number of fast food chains, this is definitely one of the main reasons.

    When I have children, I am going to let them have fast food ONLY when we are out and don't have time for me to make them something. I mean, it might sound harsh but wouldn't you rather have your child healthy and happy? I wish my mom would have done this with me!

  15. Well because they want the kids to ask parents for money and then super size them and boom one day they will be fat and they will have a heart attack and die!

  16. it makes my husband very happy when hes hung over ...

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