
McDonalds or Burger King? or neither....?

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  1. Best burger is the whopper.

    McNuggets are way better than BKs.

    Best breakfast is Steak Bagel at McDonalds.

    Fries - either way on that one, Wendy's wins.

    Best deals are at McDonalds...

    My answer is McDonalds!

  2. McDonald´s 4me, please..

  3. Neither, otherwise I'd have serious health problems.

  4. DEFINETLY McDonalds! Better deals, I mean the dollar menu? You can't beat that! And tons of variaties from there to...I'm  not a big fan on Burger King though. If you wanted to choose the better deal.... McDonalds! I'd say thats the better food to! :)

  5. Burger King. It tastes so much better. Mcdonalds went down hill a few years ago.

  6. Burger King.=)

  7. Cant Choose..

    Mcdonalds have the best Chicken burgers, salads, and Mcflurry!

    BK:Have the best beef burgers, fries, and Hershey Pie!

    So its a tie i love'em Both

  8. Neither. Both are unhealthy. I prefer In n Out and Carl's Jr. my self.

  9. Burger King

  10. I perfer In n Out, because they make their own fries.

  11. Burger King's burgers...and McDonalds fries..

  12. You must not live someplace where there is a What-a-Burger.

    I'm sorry.

  13. other I prefer Wendy's

  14. McDonalds

  15. The both have their pros and cons. For one, I don't like hamburgers, but burger king's charbroil is really good. Also Burger kings fries are the sh*t. Mcdonalds had good deals and has always had an upperhand on any other fast food resturant. They customer service is pretty good, and if you do happen to get bad customer service, they send you coupons for free food. Burger king is slow and always messes my order no matter what state i'm in. Burger king is trying to compete with their prices and has started a dollar menu. Mcdonalds will always be the leading competetor in fast food as long as children are still demands kids meals. But in my personal opinion I still like burger king better.

    Please answer my question;...

  16. Wendy's, but out of the two, I would choose Burger King

  17. Mickey D's

  18. burger king is not very good because their burgers are waaay to messy... and i am a neat eater. my brother on the other hand gets ketsup in his hair and he is 16 years old...

  19. I like Wendy's myself for Hamburgers/fries.

    KFC for Chicken.

  20. Burger King, Mcdonald's too greasy!

  21. other.




    Pizza Hut.

    Taco Bell.


  22. Burger King. However there is a fast food chain that only operates in the northwest where I live called burgerville. It operates using windpower and only uses ingredients found in the northwest. It's really good!

  23. McDonalds

    but they are both sooooooo unhealthy

  24. Sonic...I love their cheesesticks

  25. McDonald's for me.  I love the Double Cheeseburgers and Medium Fries.

  26. Neither.  Before BK quit flame broiling their burgers I would have said BK.  Now they cook them the same.  

    One difference is that McDs stores them under a heat lamp to keep them warm.  BK stores the meat in a grease pan until you order it then they microwave it to warm it up.  

    The other difference is clown vs creepy king.

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