
McDonalds or Burger King..?

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Or neither. Would you poke your own eyes out before touching fast food..?




  1. McDonalds, definately!! :) everybody c'mon, put a smile on :)

  2. Fast food is always my very last pick to eat at, but out of those choices I definitely would have to have Burger King.

  3. MACCY D'ZZ!!!

  4. booger king.

  5. neither

  6. I like McDonalds but it's a matter of personal preference - if it were not, there would only be one fast food chain.

  7. I can only tolerate the fish sandwich at McDonalds and the fries at Burger King.

  8. A pair of 'kazis' - fit for permanent shutdown by the Health Department.

  9. I always go to McDonald's and order a Whopper

    (Some of their replies are priceless....)

  10. Burger King...should I say I love a whopper?  *giggles*  ;)

    Much prefer KFC though.

  11. neither. the thought makes me cringe. im all for subway though.

  12. Whichever's nearest. :-D

  13. BK is slightly less disgusting

  14. McDonalds

  15. It may sound a bit anal but I make my own, from a pound of GOOD beef mince I can make 6 burgers. O.K. they'll be mixed with onions etc but side by side I will put money on mine tasting 100% better. And price wise they will be cheaper, that,  I don't worry about,at least I can taste the stuff!

  16. I like McDonalds, they have delicious(although none-healthy) ice cream. Also Burger King leaves a nasty after-taste. Although I don't go to fast food very often:d

  17. It's rare that I have to eat fast food but if I really have to eat quickly, I'd rather go to the local chippy. Fish and chips can be fast, nourishing and much more satisfying than fast food burgers. I like burgers but only homemade or from a quality restaurant. People forget that the best burgers are made from ground steak. I don't think McD's or BK's are.

  18. MCDONALDS!! Even though BK always has had better ads (the king, BSB, and the old school ads)

  19. SUBWAY

  20. Burger King, at least the majority of staff aren't morons and the places are clean, entirely the opposite of Mc Donald's

  21. out of the two burger king

    but like the two at the top i prefer subway

  22. Subway is amazing but Burger kings always wins.

  23. Between Burger King and McDonald's definitly Burger King.

    However those are very low on my ever eating there list. I prefer Subway or Chik-fil-A

  24. neither. chik fil a is awesome!!

  25. Wendy's

  26. McDonalds. I love most fast food but I cannot stomache Burger King. Everything about it is rank.

  27. Wendy's!!!!! my kids like Mcdonalds bcuz of the toys but they eat all their wendy's meals cause they can get oranges instead of fries.

  28. Even though I can't stand that stupid King commercials, it's burger king.

  29. Neither!!! Now thats my answer!!!

  30. McDonalds :)

  31. McDonalds!!!

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