
McEnroes comment regarding Federer....

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Did anyone read on the yahoo tennis page about Johnny McEnroes comments regarding Federer and Sampras' record slams?

Seems he feels Pete's 14 slam total "appears safe". Let us not forget, that Roger has 12 slams thus far, and is just 27 ( today ).

Ok, so he hasnt won a slam this season ( as I predicted at seasons start ), however this does not mean he is not going to win anymore.

Grant it, the level of tennis, competition has increased, and many guys are worthy of a Grand Slam Crown, but its not as if Federer si finished. being a Nadal fan more so, of course I want him to win and glad he has achieved great success this season, and against Federer as no other opponent has. JM said it doesnt come any easier now. Clearly though the guy has plenty of tennis left. Despite Nadal's succcess,and the rise of Djokovic, Murray, Gasquet and a host of Spaniards and Russians. Do you think his comments are accurate, that Federer wont make it to 14 or surpass it?




  1. No way McEnroe is right...Roger is still the best player in the world. He just likes to make bold calls to get headlines.

  2. What if Federer was to win the US Open? Would McEnroe still stick to his bold yet stupid comments that Sampras' record is now safe? Please!!! Again another reason why I wish this idiot would just shut the h**l up once and for all.

    Even though Roger has not been winning that much lately, can't everyone see that it is just a simple mental stumbling block the guy is going through?!?! All it takes is for Roger to have a couple solid wins under his belt, and he is right back in the thick of things. I bet you if he wins the Olympics then you would hear everyone suddenly holding back on their predictions and comments of a washed up Federer. It is so pathetic the way people are going on about Roger's recent form. Especially when his results have not been as awful this year as everyone seem to be suggesting. I have no idea when it became soo horrible to reach two Grand Slam Finals and the semis of the other, and then have people saying you are finished!!!

    Of course with his turning 27 today, and with the rest of the field catching up, it is no doubt going to get tougher and tougher for him. But I just don't see how anyone can safely say that he is incapable of getting at least three more majors to eclipse Sampras' record.

    Take a look at Pete's career during the later stages, and look at how Pete broke Roy Emerson's record. He did it by solely winning Wimbledon once every year. It's is very difficult for me to see “5 time Wimbledon champion Roger Federer” never winning Wimbledon again in his career. And then when you consider that Roger is a far superior player than Pete ever was, I am also willing to acknowledge that Roger still has a competitive chance at winning every other major at least one more time before he retires!!!

    John McEnroe just does not know when to shut the h**l up! He thinks by making such harsh and ludicrous statements like this is helping to advance the sport, when all it is doing is bring divisiveness in the game.

    If Roger was to win the Olympics and then win the US Open later this month, I am sure that everyone would then be singing a different song. Right?

  3. Hmm... I guess this all depends on WHY Roger is in a "slump", as people like to call it.  There could be temporary reasons - he's stressed out, he's tired, he's lost interest, he wants to do other things, he's feeling too much pressure.  These factors can be resolved and will go away with time... and his talent will still be there.  

    Nadal has beaten Federer so many times, but Federer has managed to beat him more than once, too, even on clay.  Djokovic, Murray and Gasquet (Gasquet?  Really?) may be "hungry" to win a slam, but Federer is Federer, and on a good day, he will still be better than any of these players.  So, if he has been losing because of something that can be corrected or that will correct itself over time, then winning 3 more shouldn't be a problem for him.

    If, however, there is a bigger problem that they are concealing (heaven forbid!!!), like an illness or an injury... then McEnroe may be right.  But, in the absence of any of these things, Federer will be back to win some more!

    As an addendum... Nadal's knees may become a problem for him at some point in the near future due to the wear and tear that he puts them through with all his pounding and running all over the court.  Djokovic is still not fit enough to sustain a high level of play for a prolonged period of time (He was absolutely brilliant against Nadal in the Cincy semis then practically threw away the finals to Murray... double faults in the last few deciding games???  It was fatigue!).  And Murray is just plain old volatile.  I don't even know why people bring up Gasquet... I don't think he stands out.

  4. McEnore's comments aren't really accurate. Roger's really close, he has about 2 slams to equal Sampras and 1 more to break it.  He's been struggling this year but he did get to 2 finals and the last final he played in was pure brilliance. Anyways, that is how the critics are, one day they're calling you the greatest player ever and then you lose some matches and it's time to retire. It doesn't make sense to me. Especially when you're talking about Roger.  

  5. I believe it's absolutely possible for Federer to get to 15 Grand Slams.  Just trust me and watch.

  6. i would disagree coz fed at the moment is going through a crisis of confidence and whole bunch of things but he is a champion like sampras b4 him he will find away to win 14 slams i think he is still a great and has chances to win all slams except french but what he needs is to start winning tournoments again.  

  7. I'd like to say that McEnroe is bound to feel some kind of loyalty to the old days, he probdoesnt particulary want petes record broklen. I cud be wrong tho- hes also called Roger that greatest ever on numerous occassions.

    I don't think John was saying he cant break, I think he was saying theres a chance he wont. With Federers current form it kinda looks like the only one he can win is Wimby. But I believe Federer will come out of this slump.

    Theres only 2 till he equals the record. I can see him getting at least anotehr Wimby. But I mean, its impossible to predict with his current form and Nadals current form. But who knows- anything can happen.

    Does make me wonder when people are gonna start talking about nadal not Federer, seems Rog has had enuf attention to warrent a life time. Give the guy a break!

  8. I was reading the article and I thought it was so interesting only because it made me realize that at 27y/o, it is old in tennis years. No doubt that Federer has peaked and has had an outstanding past 2 years. No one can refute that. But as the years progress, it will be more difficult for Federer to come up with a lot of wins. Players are catching up and even Federer's forehand is letting him down. I've never seen him lose so many times before. I like him to continue winning but who knows, maybe his body is slowing down. I would say, if he wants to continue playing, maybe he should go on a sabatical and get some rest and relaxation at least for 6 months. If he makes a comeback after that and wins again, then I would really say he is the greatest player. I would just consider him to be a great player now since his career is not over yet. But I'm sure he still has it in him to win a couple more grandslams. Remember Agassi? He was in a slump and he almost fell off the face of the earth. Then out of the ashes rose a new Phoenix. He played til he was 35? 37? At any rate wow, now that is ancient!

  9. i am going to make a bold statement and stick by it..

    i believe this year is really indictive of how federer is doing and how he will do next year.... everything has a time, and everything comes to an end... event though he had the most pictureresque tennis and  mastermind shotmaking, does not mean he will get back his choke hold on tennis..

    he has peaked, no doubt, he will not get any better.. this is as good as it gets....

    the players on tour that he once could have dominated have transformed into different players... murray, gasquet, nadal and djovick in particular. federer has been beaten by all the above players the last year and half.. not sure about gasquet though

    even though he is only 3 slams a way.... sometimes even achieving that one more slam is enough of a monkey to shake to reach sampra's record, let alone 3..

    what i can say for sure, is if he does not manage to win the US OPEN that is very bad news for him

  10. Federer is so close! Just 3 away. If he can pull himself together and just clinch 3 more slams he can break it. But it seems impossible. Nadal is on a new level like he has never played before. Also, Djokovic and Murray are hungry for slams and are ready to win. Federer had his chances but he is not the same player we saw in recent years. His game has dropped drastically. I thinks its a safe assumption from McEnroe. But I could always be wrong with the U.S. Open coming up. I hope Federer can pass the record though.

  11. he would pas sampras recoed

  12. i believe i can't really say anything until fed's retired and he's completed his career, so i can't agree or disagree with mac's speculation. who knows what will happen? i can just say roger has the ability to win, after all he's got 12. but that's really up to him: luck, health and determination..

    it's just natural that there's obstacles along the way... so if he gets there, the success will be all the more sweeter.

  13. It is very premature to make that call this year. If he doesn't win a slam in 2009 either, then perhaps no.15 will be in doubt. All players go through slumps. Roger was the exception till this year. Even young Rafa seemed washed up between Wimbledon 07 and the claycourt season this year (no title for 8 months). I think Roger will win no.15 before he retires in 2012.  He has way too much talent and plays like a ballet dancer with little risk of injuries. The only risk is a relapse of mono that is afflicting players like Ancic. I predict two more Wimbledons and a hardcourt title (US or Aussie) before he retires. And yes, I am a Rafa fan as well. Let's get no.6 in New York!      

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