
McLaren fans...I got a question for you all

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Tell me in EXACT detail your personal/emotional reaction when Massa's car gave out in Hungary.

I was sitting on the floor watching the GP. After Lewis's puncture, I felt sick and turned the TV off. But then I felt guilty for Kovi and I turned it back on.

When Massa's race came to a dismal end, I just shot up from the floor like a giant rocket in joy...I was like "ARE U KIDDING ME?" I never felt more happier in my life. I was really laughing and smiling as happy as Kovi on the podium.

Now tell me your reaction...!




  1. Hehe I felt brilliant... I knew something would happen to Massa, it invariably does (usually by his own volition too)... but this was better knowing that both Heikki and Timo had a chance of the win...

    Heikki has had some bad luck and some poor performances, but he has bucked his ideas up recently and he deserved that win thoroughly, although the best driver all weekend was probably Timo Glock... he was as fast as the top teams all weekend and wasn't far off the win, even if Heikki turned his revs down towards the end...

    I was elated for Heikki and Lewis (who was saved by that), especially as I am not a Ferrari fan in the least...

  2. As a Ferrari fan, felt shattered for Massa. Happy Heikki got his first win. And if it wasn't for James Allen & Martin Brundle commentating like the only driver on the track is Hamilton, week in, week out (is he their secret love child?), I'd have probably felt a bit sorry about his punctured tyre. Up til then it was a really good fight between him & Fillipe.

    BTW I am aware that it wasn't MB on commentary in Hungary, but Damon Hill.I thought he did an excellent job of it. James Allen, take some tips, you goose...

  3. I am a raikkonen fan so I guess I was happy because at least he finished on the podium ;)

  4. are a child. Its Wednesday, isn't this a little late to be showing such immature emotion?

  5. I have to say, I am a Ferrari fan

    So I was in complete shock

    By the way, congrats to Kovi on his 1st victory!

  6. kid, :p

  7. I was more upset with Webbers performance than anything. Hamilton's comeback to fifth just showed the driver i knew him to be! Not a big fan of Massa, but he is humble. So it didnt phase me either way. My feelings on Kovi are not good. I THOUGHT he would be the next Hakkinen, but it's not happening. he seems more like a lower Coulthard even Eddie Irvine like with his driving performance. Granted, I'll give him this year because he's in a better car, but i'm just not feeling him. that's how i feel and i'm sticking to it!

  8. Well I'm not a huge fan of McLaren or Ferrari but am a fan of F1 in general and Massa has never driven as well as then, his start was incredible, like the old Renaults used to do, I was sad for a Ferrari retiring for the first time in 10 years, ( Suzuka 98).

    Hekki drove solidly and was a lucky boy.

    Glock deserved it more considering the naff car he is in.

    Lewis kep up well with Felipe but should of never fellto 2nd in the first place after his supposed dominance in qualifying, stil better than 2007s Hungarian GP.

    Alonso also out drove his Renault and should of had 3rd.

  9. as a kimi fan i wasn't thrilled by his teammate dropping out and giving the lead over to the rival team but it did improve kimis position so i wasn't to shattered,

    but more than that i was thrilled for timo, ive been watching timo lightly through out the years, during his a1 gp and champ car rides, so for the first time since kimi left sauber i was actually rooting against him,

    way to go timo

  10. little kid

  11. I was like you have to be kinding me, but its expected from most of the current F1 drivers today because they drive their cars way too hard instead of pushing when necessary in order to take the lead and create a gap over their rivals, then to only ease back when the race was already won in the timing department, a la Michael Schumacher.

  12. Ah.... you're back after a very long time. I don't support any team but I was like "AAAAHHHH!!!!" when Massa's engine blew. It was really unlucky and it gifted Heikki the win. Still, I'm happy for Heikki and hopefully this is the morale boost he needs. Maybe he'll do better after this

  13. Felt terrible. He drove the best race of his life and bang.

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