
Mcain, cigarettes, Iran joke....what does this mean?

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Today a friend at work told me that John Mcain made a joke regarding Iran, and cigarettes, claiming maybe it will kill them faster....just joking, he said, when his wife nudged him in the I the only one that shows this man's level of compassion, even if it were meant to be a joke?




  1. Regardless of whether he means it or not, I don't think it helps the situation at all. That's not exactly gonna make them want to cooperate.

  2. He's trying to be hip like obama - cannot wait for the USA to vote in that NOOB nothing to do with colour

    Pissed with Bush? u ain't seen nothing yet

  3. Clearly most liberals are null and void of humor. McCain has a great sense of humor and the liberal press loves to misinterpret it as being mean. Take a breath, get a grip and have a laugh once in while. It'll do you good. What a bunch of weak kneed weenies. No wonder they say that liberalism is mental disorder.

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