
Mcain or Obama? Who do you think should win the election?

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Who would you want to win?

Not who your necessarily vote for...

(For those who can't vote)

But just who you want to win the campain!?





  1. I'm 17 so I can't vote. But I would say McCain. He has more experience than Obama and he made woman his vice president candidate. Obama didn't he is too self fish.


  3. McCain.

  4. obama

  5. The Republican party has disgraced America.  I will vote for Obama.

  6. Obama this country needs a break ! We don't want another Bush !  

  7. Mccain

  8. I think you should pick the gun toting Moose eating broad.

    She's probably got balls under that skirt.

    And just think!!! More Evangelistic TV shows march off to church Sundays OR ELSE!!

    Before her meteoric rise to political success as governor, just two short years ago Sarah Palin was the mayor of Wasilla. I had a good chuckle at’s claim that she had been the mayor of “Wasilla City”. It is not a city. Just Wasilla. Wasilla is the heart of the Alaska “Bible belt” and Sarah was raised amongst the tribe that believes creationism should be taught in our public schools, homosexuality is a sin, and life begins at conception. She’s a gun-toting, hang ‘em high conservative. Remember…this is where her approval ratings come from. There is no doubt that McCain again is making a strategic choice to appeal to a particular demographic - fundamentalist right-wing gun-owning Christians. And Republican bloggers are already gushing about how she has ‘more executive experience’ than Obama does! Above is a picture of lovely downtown Wasilla, for those of you unfamiliar with the area. Behind the Mug-Shot Saloon (the first bar I visited when I moved to Alaska long ago) is a little strip mall. There are street signs in Wasilla with bullet holes in them. Wasilla has a population of about 5500 people, and 1979 occupied housing units. This is where your potential Vice President was two short years ago. Can you imagine her negotiating a nuclear non-proliferation treaty? Discussing foreign policy? Understanding non-Alaskan issues? Frankly, I don’t even know if she’s ever been out of the country. She may ‘get’ Alaska, but there are only a half a million people here. Don’t get me wrong….I love Alaska with all my heart. I’m just saying.

    Remember you're either WITH us...or AGAINST us!!!!

    Famous last words of the last nimwitted republican who ran your country.

  9. I am a republican, but now I want Obama to win because I want the USofA and me to see what it is going to take to get us out from oil dependence, war, unemployment, housing foreclosures, and basically to get back to quasi, whatever that was.  Is it the Obama aura or will he call up Oprah and get a loan for the national debt.  That is harsh to say, but the connection of monetary support has long been established.

  10. Especially after today's announcement of McCain's VP pick, there is NO other choice than Obama.

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