
Mccain for president and condoleezza rice for vice president?

by  |  earlier

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If there is support for this, then people need to speak! Right? I mean political activism is not my m.o. but the alternative is just plain demeaning. We, as Americans need to act as the independent and capable people that we are. I really hope that America makes the right choice. Thank You.




  1. McCain/Rice 08

    i want my bumper sticker right now.

  2. I agree completely.

  3. not bad

  4. That is a great ticket and you should feel honored to vote this way! Good!

  5. Sorry, but I utterly disagree.

  6. We're f***ing doomed...

  7. That would really be an amazing match. I actually think Condi would be better as prez and McCain as vice-prez, simply because in my own political opinion, Condi represents the ideas of those on the right wing more so than McCain. Unfortunately Condoleezza has expressed her enjoyment as Secretary of State on many occassions and has said she wouldn't want to change positions.

  8. I hope so

  9. It would be a great idea, but unlikely. She has seen what happens to people in that office and I doubt she wants to go down that path. She has stated repeatedly that she wants to be the Com of the NFL, not the VP. As much as I respect her, I dont think its likely she would even accept, if offered.

  10. Hellooo, she already said she was not interested. Try to keep up. (thank You)

  11. I would like to see McCain pick a moderate for his running mate.  

    How about if McCain picks Hillary as a veep?  I just hope McCain doesn't go with some far right republican.

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